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Essentials for Office 365 2.15 - User Guide

Product Activation Tool Overview
General Tool Configuration Profile Manager Proxy Mode Azure Turbo and CSOM Creating User Mapping Creating User and Template Reports Support and Troubleshooting Modes of Migration
Home Tab Migration Analysis Tab Migrator Tab
Interface Connect to Resources Copy Sites Live Compare Hyper Mode Classic Mode Copy Alerts Orphaned Users Copy In-Place Tagging of SharePoint Items Incremental/Delta Copy Forms Migration Workflow Migration Save Site to XML
File Manager Tab Drives Tab
Interface Overview Migration Job Structure Connecting to Resources Copy Google Drive Copy File Share Copy My Sites to OneDrive for Business Copy Tenant Copy Box Copy Dropbox Nintex Deployment
Post Migration Compare Security Manager Tab Term Store Manager Tab Administrator Tab Backup Tab
Interface Overview Backup Job Structure Advanced Search Retention Policies Storage for Backup Import/Export Backup Archives Connecting to SharePoint and OneDrive for Business Connecting to Cloud Storage Hyper vs Classic Backup Setup Hyper SharePoint Online Backup Hyper OneDrive Backup Hyper Office 365 Groups Backup Smart Backup Classic SharePoint Online Backup Classic OneDrive Backup Classic Office365 Groups Backup Classic Mailbox Backup Change Properties for Backup Admin Management Scheduling Backup Jobs Backup Project Conversion
Help Tab View Tab Scripts Troubleshooting Appendix About

Incremental/Delta Copy for an Existing Job

Once a full migration has been run, an incremental or delta copy can be run without the need to create a new project.

IMPORTANT: By default, Azure is enabled as a recommended migration method, although it can be changed in the Profile Manager.  However, it is not recommended that you use a different migration method for incremental copy. For example, if CSOM was used for the full migration it should also be used for the incremental copy.

To run an incremental/delta copy on an existing job:

1.In the Migrator tab, select the job for which you want to run an incremental/delta copy.

2.Right-click and choose Run Incrementally.

Incremental Migration Select

3.In the Run Incrementally dialog, select the appropriate option.  Use the information in the following table for guidance.

If you want to ..

Then select ...

copy content that has changed on the source using the Last Start Date as a filter

Incrementally from Last Start Date.

have Essentials compare source and target content and replace older content on the target with newer content on the source

Run Delta.


NOTE: If this option is selected, no filters will be applied and Essentials will not replace any content on the target that is newer.

Forms Migration

Essentials for Office 365 Migrator is intended for both large scale migration activities including lists, libraries, sites, site collections, web parts, views, permissions, navigation and other objects; as well as re-organization and categorization tasks such as tagging/classification and moving/copying content between sites, lists and folders.


NOTE: A Global or SharePoint Administrator account must be used in order to perform full migrations. An account with less privileges will only be able to perform a limited set of migrations.

Nintex Form Migration

Supported Nintex Forms Platforms:


OnPrem SharePoint 2013

OnPrem SharePoint 2016

OnPrem SharePoint 2019

SharePoint Online



SharePoint Online


To Copy Nintex Classic Forms do the following:


NOTE: Responsive is not supported, clients can use Copy Site As Existing Site option or Copy List options instead.

1.Ensure that you have Nintex Service added on your tenant and that your license is valid and paid.
nintex form 1

2.Make sure the Nintex Forms Application is add to your target site. Open site in your browser and check the Site Contents.
nintex form 2

3.If not the nintex form application is not added on your target site, simply add it and trust it.
nintex form 3

4.Connect Essentials to your Source and Target.
Select the source Site and copy it to the target site as an Existing Site (see the Copy Site section for further details)
Or, select the source list and copy it to the target (see the Copy Lists and Libraries section for further details)

5.On the final page of the wizard, select "Copy Forms" under the List Copy Options section.
nintex form 4

6.After the migration has completed, you will see information about forms having been migrated in the post migration .xml log.
nintex form 6

7.Check your target site to see the forms have been copied over.
nintex form 7



InfoPath Forms Window

The InforPath Forms Window is displayed within the content pane area and is designed to display InfoPath Forms used within a specific list.  

The InfoPath Forms Window can be accessed by right-clicking on a List and selecting Objects followed by Show InfoPath Forms.
Migrator Interface 17

Similar to content, users will be able to select one or more of these objects and copy them from one place to another.

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