Quest On Demand is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application where application software is hosted in the cloud and made available to users through
Use of this software is governed by the Software Transaction Agreement found at and the SaaS Addendum at This software does not require an activation or license key to operate.
To obtain a trial license with an Entra ID account
- Go to
- Click Sign in with Microsoft and select the desired account.
- You can either use an existing organization or create a new organization:
- To use an existing organization, click the desired organization you wish to use.
- To create a new organization, click Create New Organization in the top right corner, enter the organization name and click Create Organization.
- Click Settings from the left navigation bar, then Organization, to view your organization details and copy your organization ID. Provide these organization details to your account manager. A trial subscription for the Technical Preview will then be created on your behalf.