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GPOADmin 5.20 - Release Notes

Known issues

Unable to import a historical version from Version Control if the source object was exported with the Copy History option enabled.

Recommended workaround: Export the desired historical version to to disk and then Import from the disk.


Inherited keywords are not displayed in the Keywords column in the list view.


GPOADmin help Table of Contents is not available in MMC on Windows Server 2019.


Service accounts and GMSAs configured with the minimum permission script are unable to create working copies of starter Group Policy Objects (GPOs) because the accounts are not granted the required “take ownership” permission.


GPOADmin does not support Certificate references for Intune Configuration profiles.


GPOADmin does not support Settings Catalog for Intune Configuration profiles.


GPOADmin does not support iOS/iPadOS Security Assessment (Education) template from Intune Configuration profiles.


Over time when using GPOADmin, the number of available detailed views (right pane views) in MMC will be exceeded causing a UI error.

To mitigate this, expand views using the chevron icon rather than clicking on the node name.


Validation of the Service Connection Point for the GPOADmin service account does not function for Group Managed Service Accounts.


Export As Desired State Configuration requires users to have the Write permission on the Desired State Configuration Root directory.


Compliance checks on a configuration profile which has had an assignment deleted from it in Azure do not show noncompliant differences in the Difference report.


The Applications Preference extension is not supported during Group Policy Object merging.


When synchronizing GPOs with the Use Migration Table Exclusively and Migrate Security Filter options set, GPOADmin may shutdown unexpectedly if an error occurs and the message exceeds 1024 characters.


The context menu on the Linked Group Policy Objects page of the Group Policy Modeling Wizard results in the wizard loosing focus when launched via Citrix XenDesktop.


Backups will not be removed for unregistered objects when running the Remove-Backups PowerShell command.


Rolling back a moved OU does not move the OU back to it original location.


Each time that you change the Enable workflow approval through email option, you must restart the service for the change to take effect.


Compliance actions may result in an unhandled exception in the GPMC Extension.

Workaround: To avoid this issue, you can either perform the compliance actions in the client or by running the Check compliance wizard.


If users do not have the User role assigned on the Version Control root, they may not have the required rights to successfully run the User Activity report.


If an object is renamed or deleted within Active Directory, the Approvals tab does not reflect the change.


Some GPO settings are not backwards compatible between operating systems.


When you edit GPOs, you are notified of persistent registry values through a flashing icon on the Registry Cleanup button in the GPO Editor. For this notification to display, you must first close and then open the GPO Settings property page by selecting the Edit menu.


The Watcher Service needs to be restarted after changing Configuration Stores.


Deploying a GPO containing existing Software Installation packages may cause each of those packages to be reinstalled on target workstations.


When checking for compliance, GPOADmin will not perform a backup if the unauthorized changes result in an object in the same state as the currently stored version.


After changing storage locations, the individual version information is not transferred from the old storage location to the new. You must keep the old storage server online if you want to still access those individual versions.


When using the SeizeVCRole.exe utility, if a port is specified with the new server name, the utility assumes that the new server is an AD LDS instance. When using an Active Directory Version Control server, the default port of 389 does not need to be specified.


When you are editing a GPO with both the GPOADmin console and the GPMC Extension open, closing the Group Policy Object Editor may not return you to the expected interface.



System requirements

Same system requirements as GPOADmin.

Upgrade and compatibility

Upgrade requirements:

To permit a user to see the live environment:

1 Login to GPOADmin as a GPOADmin administrator.
2 Right-click the
Live Environment node and select Properties.
3 On the Security tab, add one or more users who require access to the live environment.
4 Click OK.

Authentication Services integration


Due to rebranding, changes are required in the registry setting for the integration to function correctly.

Authentication Services installs to the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Quest Software\Quest Group Policy Manager\Extensions\vgp


GPOADmin requires the settings to be installed under this registry key:



Compatible Products

GPOADmin is compatible with the following software:

Related Documents
GPOADmin - 5.20
Quick Start Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
Whats New
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