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Benchmark Factory for Database 9.0 - User Guide

Welcome to Benchmark Factory What's New in Benchmark Factory Additional Resources Overview of Benchmark Factory Benchmark Factory Components Licensing Getting Started - the Benchmark Factory Workflow Agents Create and Edit Connections Create and Edit Tests and Jobs
Jobs View Pane Job Wizards Quickstart: Create a New Job Edit a Job Industry Standard Benchmark Tests Capture and Replay a Workload Artificial Test for Desired Effect Scalability Tests Custom Tests Create/Delete Benchmark Objects Execute External File Test Options for Create Objects Test Options for Transactions Job Setup Options Use Global Search/Replace Save Job as BMF Script Copy Test to Replay, Mix, Goal, or Scalability Test
Benchmarks How Do I... Settings Test Results and Run Reports BFScripts Repository Troubleshooting The Benchmark Factory REST API Appendix About Us Adding Virtual Users System/Upgrade Requirements/Supported Databases Shortcut Keys

Oracle Settings

You can use the Oracle page of the Settings dialog to specify default settings for testing against an Oracle database. Use this page to select the performance collection and reporting methods and the data cache clearing options.

Note: If you modify the default settings in the Settings dialog, the changes apply to new jobs only, not to existing jobs.

To specify Oracle settings

  1. Select Edit | Settings | Oracle.
  2. Review the following for additional information:

    Statspack Options  
    Perform Statspack snapshot during each iteration

    Select to use Oracle’s “Stats Pack” utility to collect statistics.

    • Number of snapshots—Specify the number of snapshots.
    AWR and ADDM Options  
    Perform AWR snapshot at the start and end of each test iteration

    Select to use the optional Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) “Diagnostic Pack” Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) to collect statistics.

    Then select the type of report to generate:

    • Generate AWR report
    • Generate ADDM report
    Perform AWR snapshot during each iteration

    Select to use Oracle AWR to collect statistics.

    • Number of snapshots—Specify the number of snapshots.

    Note: A valid license is required to use the optional Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) Diagnostics Pack.

    Database Flush  
    Flush data buffer caches at start of each test iteration

    Select to clear data buffer caches between iterations.

    Note: To perform this action, the Oracle database account must have certain privileges. In Oracle 10g or later, the ALTER SYSTEM privilege is required.

    Flush shared pool at start of each test iteration

    Select to clear shared pool between iterations.

    Note: To perform this action, the Oracle database account must have the ALTER SYSTEM privilege.

    Note: Cached data can improve performance, so selecting one or both of these options can prevent cached data from affecting subsequent iterations.


Tip: You can specify these same Oracle settings for each individual Oracle connection. See Create Oracle Connection and Oracle Statistics Tab (Connections) for more information.


SQL Server Settings

Use the SQL Server page of the Settings dialog to specify default settings for testing against SQL Server databases.

Note: If you modify the default settings in the Settings dialog, the changes apply to new jobs only, not to existing jobs.

To specify SQL Server settings

  1. Select Edit | Settings | SQL Server.
  2. Review the following for additional information:

    Database Flush  
    Clean data buffer and procedure caches at start of each test iteration

    Select this option to instruct Benchmark Factory to clear cached data between iterations. Cached data can improve performance, so selecting this option can prevent cached data from affecting subsequent iterations.


    • This option is only applicable to SQL Server 2005 or later.
    • To perform this action, the SQL Server database account must have the sysadmin fixed server role.

Tip: You can specify this option for each individual SQL Server connection. See Create SQL Server Connection for more information.


REST API Settings

Use this page of settings dialog to do the followings:

  • Specify default settings for the Local Access Only option
  • Generate new REST API Key
  • Copy the REST API Key to the clipboard

To specify REST API settings

  1. Select Edit | Settings | REST API.
  2. Select REST API. Review the following for additional information:

    Local Access Only

    Specify a defalut settings,default=selected:

    • When the option is selected, the external host can not access the REST API , the local host will ignored this option.
    • When the option is not selected, REST API will check the authentication, if the API Key do not match or not provide, the external host can not acces the REST API.
    • When the option is not selected, the local host will ignore this option.
    API Key

    Displays the API Key,the API key will change after the console/server launch every time.

    Regenerate Generate a new API Key
    Copy Copy the API Key to the clipboard.


Execute File Settings

Use the Execute File page of the Settings dialog to specify default settings for the Execute External File step/test.

To specify Execute File settings

  1. Select Edit | Settings | Execute File.
  2. Enforce Timeout—Specify a default setting. Selecting the option instructs Benchmark Factory to enforce a timeout for the Execute File step/test. Then enter the number of seconds for Benchmark Factory to wait for the step/test execution to complete before continuing the job.

    These default settings are used when you create a new job in the New Job wizard.


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Benchmark Factory for Database - 9.0
Release Notes
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