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A firewall enabled in your environment may block traffic on ports used by Recovery Manager for Active Directory (RMAD), preventing you from backing up or restoring data. Before you start using RMAD, make sure your firewall does not block traffic on ports used by RMAD.
This section provides instructions on how to configure built-in Windows Firewall on a the domain controllers to be backed up, so that RMAD could back up data on that computer.
The section covers the following methods:
For each of the following agents, you must create the specified firewall rules to allow traffic on ports used by RMAD. For descriptions of each firewall rule, see the table below.
Backup Agent:
If you have a preinstalled Backup Agent, create Rule 3 and specify BackupAgent64.exe in the Program path parameter.
If you have an automatic Backup Agent installation, create Rule 3 and specify ErdAgent.exe instead of <backup agent> in the Program path parameter.
If you use the specified Backup Agent port, you need to configure Rule 1 and Rule 3. In Rule 3, specify <specific TCP port> for the Backup Agent in the Local ports parameter.
If you use the RPC dynamic port range for the Backup Agent, configure Rule 1, Rule 2, and Rule 3. In Rule 3, specify the <RPC dynamic port range> for the Backup Agent in the Local ports parameter.
Online Restore Agent:
Configure Rule 4 and specify OnlineRestoreAdapter.exe in the Program path parameter.
If you use the specified Online Restore Agent port, configure Rule 1 and Rule 4. In Rule 4, specify <specific TCP port> for the Online Restore Agent in the Local ports parameter.
If the RPC dynamic port range is used for the Online Restore Agent , configure Rule 1, Rule 2, and Rule 4. In Rule 4, specify <RPC dynamic port range> for the Online Restore Agent in the Local ports parameter.
Offline Restore Agent:
Configure Rule 5 and specify RstAgent.exe in the Program path parameter.
If you use the specified Offline Restore Agent port, you need to configure Rule 1 and Rule 5. In Rule 5, specify <specific TCP port> for the Offline Restore Agent in the Local ports parameter.
If you use the RPC dynamic port range for the Offline Restore Agent , configure Rule 1, Rule 2, and Rule 5. In Rule 5, specify <RPC dynamic port range> for the Offline Restore Agent in the Local ports parameter.
Management Agent:
Configure Rule 6 and specify the ManagementAgent.exe in the Program path parameter.
If you use the specified Backup Agent port, configure Rule 1 and Rule 6. In Rule 6, specify <specific TCP port> for the Management Agent in the Local ports parameter.
If you use the RPC dynamic port range for the Management Agent, configure Rule 1, Rule 2, and Rule 6. In Rule 6, specify <RPC dynamic port range> for the Management Agent in the Local ports parameter.
Forest Recovery Agent:
Configure Rule 7 and specify FRRestoreService64.exe in the Program path parameter.
If you use the specified Backup Agent port, configure Rule 1 and Rule 7. In Rule 7, specify <specific TCP port> for the Forest Recovery Agent in the Local ports parameter.
If you use the RPC dynamic port range for the Forest Recovery Agent, configure Rule 1, Rule 2, and Rule 7. For Rule 7, specify <RPC dynamic port range> for the Forest Recovery Agent in the Local ports parameter.
The following list describes the settings for each firewall rule. Any setting not described in this list can be left as the default value.
Rule 1
- Rule Type: Custom
- Program Path: System
- Service settings: Apply to all programs and services
- Protocol: TCP
- Local ports: 445
- Remote ports: Any
- Local IP addresses: Any
- Remote IP addresses: Any
- Action: Allow the connection
- Rule profile: Domain, Private, and Public
- Allowed users: Any
- Allowed computers: Any
PowerShell for the Rule 1 settings: New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Rule 1" -Group RMAD -Enabled True -Profile Any -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 445 -Protocol TCP -Program System
Rule 2
- Rule Type: Custom
- Program Path: %SystemRoot%\System32\Svchost.exe
- Service settings: Remote Procedure Call (RpcSs)
- Protocol: TCP
- Local ports: RPC Endpoint Mapper
- Remote ports: Any
- Local IP addresses: Any
- Remote IP addresses: Any
- Action: Allow the connection
- Rule profile: Domain, Private, and Public
- Allowed users: Any
- Allowed computers: Any
PowerShell for the Rule 2 settings: New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Rule 2" -Group RMAD -Enabled True -Profile Any -Direction Inbound -LocalPort RPCEPMap -Protocol TCP -Program "%SystemRoot%\System32\Svchost.exe" -Service RpcSs
Rule 3
- Rule Type: Custom
- Program Path: %SystemRoot%\RecoveryManagerAD\BackupAgent64.exe or %SystemRoot%RecoveryManagerAD\ErdAgent.exe
- Service settings: Apply to all programs and services
- Protocol: TCP
- Local ports: RPC dynamic port range/specified port for Backup Agent
- Remote ports: Any
- Local IP addresses: Any
- Remote IP addresses: Any
- Action: Allow the connection
- Rule profile: Domain, Private, and Public
- Allowed users: Any
- Allowed computers: Any
PowerShell for the Rule 3 settings: New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Rule 3" -Group RMAD -Enabled True -Profile Any -Direction Inbound -LocalPort RPC -Protocol TCP -Program "%SystemRoot%\RecoveryManagerAD\BackupAgent64.exe"
Note: If the Backup Agent uses a specific TCP port then specify the TCP port in the LocalPort parameter. If the RPC dynamic port range is used then specify the RPC dynamic port range in the LocalPort parameter
Rule 4
- Rule Type: Custom
- Program Path: C:\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition\FRRestoreService64.exe"
- Service settings: Apply to all programs and services
- Protocol: TCP
- Local ports: RPC dynamic port range/specific port for Online Restore Agent
- Remote ports: Any
- Local IP addresses: Any
- Remote IP addresses: Any
- Action: Allow the connection
- Rule profile: Domain, Private, and Public
- Allowed users: Any
- Allowed computers: Any
PowerShell for the Rule 4 settings: New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Rule 4" -Group RMAD -Enabled True -Profile Any -Direction Inbound -LocalPort RPC -Protocol TCP -Program "C:\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition\FRRestoreService64.exe"
Note: If the Online Restore Agent uses a specific TCP port then specify the TCP port in the LocalPort parameter. If the RPC dynamic port range is used then specify the RPC dynamic port range in the LocalPort parameter.
Rule 5
- Rule Type: Custom
- Program Path: %SystemRoot%\RecoveryManagerAD\RstAgent.exe
- Service settings: Apply to all programs and services
- Protocol: TCP
- Local ports: RPC dynamic port range/specific port for Offline Restore Agent
- Remote ports: Any
- Local IP addresses: Any
- Remote IP addresses: Any
- Action: Allow the connection
- Rule profile: Domain, Private, and Public
- Allowed users: Any
- Allowed computers: Any
PowerShell for the Rule 5 settings: New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Rule 5" -Group RMAD -Enabled True -Profile Any -Direction Inbound -LocalPort RPC -Protocol TCP -Program "- Program Path: "%SystemRoot%\RecoveryManagerAD\RstAgent.exe"" "
Note: If the Offline Restore Agent uses a specific TCP port then specify the TCP port in the LocalPort parameter. If the RPC dynamic port range is used then specify the RPC dynamic port range in the LocalPort parameter.
Rule 6
- Rule Type: Custom
- Program Path: %SystemRoot%\RecoveryManagerAD\ManagementAgent.exe
- Service settings: Apply to all programs and services
- Protocol: TCP
- Local ports: RPC dynamic port range/specific port for Management Agent
- Remote ports: Any
- Local IP addresses: Any
- Remote IP addresses: Any
- Action: Allow the connection
- Rule profile: Domain, Private, and Public
- Allowed users: Any
- Allowed computers: Any
PowerShell for the Rule 6 settings: New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Rule 6" -Group RMAD -Enabled True -Profile Any -Direction Inbound -LocalPort RPC -Protocol TCP -Program "%SystemRoot%\RecoveryManagerAD\ManagementAgent.exe"
Note: If the Management Agent uses a specific TCP port then specify the TCP port in the LocalPort parameter. If the RPC dynamic port range is used then specify the RPC dynamic port range in the LocalPort parameter.
Rule 7
- Rule Type: Custom
- Program Path: C:\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition\FRRestoreService64.exe
- Service settings: Apply to all programs and services
- Protocol: TCP
- Local ports: RPC dynamic port range/specific port for Forest Recovery Agent
- Remote ports: Any
- Local IP addresses: Any
- Remote IP addresses: Any
- Action: Allow the connection
- Rule profile: Domain, Private, and Public
- Allowed users: Any
- Allowed computers: Any
PowerShell for the Rule 7 settings: New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Rule 7" -Group RMAD -Enabled True -Profile Any -Direction Inbound -LocalPort RPC -Protocol TCP -Program "C:\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition\FRRestoreService64.exe"
Note: If the Forest Recovery Agent uses a specific TCP port then specify the TCP port in the LocalPort parameter. If the RPC dynamic port range is used then specify the RPC dynamic port range in the LocalPort parameter.
note |
For more information on RPC dynamic port range, refer to the following Microsoft Support Knowledge Base articles at |
Before following the below instructions, make sure that Windows Firewall enabled on the target computer does not block any ports used by the Recovery Manager Console: these ports are required to deploy Backup Agent, Online Restore Agent, Offline Restore Agent, Management Agent and Forest Recovery Agent.
Use the following options to automatically configure Windows Firewall settings:
To automatically configure Windows Firewall for Backup Agent, Online Restore Agent, Offline Restore Agent and Management Agent, use the Recovery Manager Console settings. For more details, see the Ports tab section here.
To automatically configure Windows Firewall for Forest Recovery Agent and Management Agent, use the Agents tab in the Recovery Project Settings dialog in Forest Recovery Console. For more details, see the Specifying recovery project settings section.
You can automatically configure Windows Firewall settings for Backup Agent using the Computer Collection properties in Recovery Manager Console:
Open the Recovery Manager Console, expand the Computer Collections node in the console tree, and select the Computer Collection that includes the target computers where you want to automatically configure Windows Firewall.
From the main menu, select Action | Properties.
In the dialog box that opens, go to the Agent Settings tab.
Make sure the Use preinstalled Backup Agent check box is cleared. This is required to automatically deploy Backup Agent when the backup creation operation starts. You cannot configure Windows Firewall by using preinstalled Backup Agent.
Select the Automatically configure Windows Firewall check box, and click OK
RMAD automatically configures Windows Firewall on each Windows Server® 2008-based or later computer in the Computer Collection after the backup creation operation starts on that Collection.
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