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Space Manager with LiveReorg 9.1 - User Guide

Smart Start for Space Manager Collect Statistics Profile DML Activity Manage Storage Reorganize Objects with Reorg Manager Partition Tables with the Partitioning Wizard Run and Monitor Scripts Run Reports Options Troubleshooting Administration Functions Appendix About Us

Generate Reorganize Candidates Reports

Reorganization Candidates reports help you identify objects in need of reorganization. You can generate a report to find either the tables or the indexes with the highest reorg need.

To generate a Tables in Need of Reorganization report

  1. Select Reports | Reorganization Candidates | Tables in Need of Reorganization.

    Note: Alternatively, you can click and select Tables in Need of Reorganization.

  2. Specify the number of tables to display.
  3. (Optional) Select minimum segment size.
  4. Click Generate to generate the report.

Note: After the report displays, click a column header to sort rows by that column.

To launch Reorg Manager

You can launch the Reorg Manager directly from a Tables in Need of Reorganization report.

  • In the report, right-click a table name in the list of tables in need of reorganization and select Reorg Manager.

To generate a Indexes in Need of Reorganization report

  1. Select Reports | Reorganization Candidates | Indexes in Need of Reorganization.

    Note: Alternatively, you can click and select Indexes in Need of Reorganization.

  2. Specify the number of indexes to display.
  3. (Optional) Select minimum segment size.
  4. Click Generate to generate the report.

Note: After the report displays, click a column header to sort rows by that column.

Export a report

You can export a report to one of a number of different file formats, such as PDF or Excel. See Preview and Export Reports for more information.


Related Topics

Generate DML Profile Reports

To generate a DML Profile report

  1. In the Explorer, right-click an object or segment and select DML Profile | DML Profile Report.

  2. Select a From and To date at the bottom of the report, if needed.
  3. Select each of the tabs to view report details.


  • To create a DML Profile, right-click an object or segment and select DML Profile | Create/Modify Collection. See Smart Start for DML Profiler for more information.
  • To open the DML Profile Collections window for an owner in the selected database, expand the DML Profile Collection node in the database tree-list and select the owner.

Export a report

You can export a report to one of a number of different file formats, such as PDF or Excel. See Preview and Export Reports for more information.


Related Topics  

Generate Largest Segments Report

Size and Growth reports provide information to help you plan future capacity. The Largest Segments report identifies the largest segments in a database.

Use the Largest Segments report to show the growth rate of the largest segments in a database. A convenient graph shows the distribution of the largest segments. You can generate a report to identify the largest segments per tablespace or owner.

To generate a Largest Segments report

  1. Select Reports | Size and Growth Reports | Largest Segments.

    Note: Alternatively, you can click and select Largest Segments.

  2. Specify the number of largest segments to include in the report.
  3. Specify whether to select the largest segments per tablespace or per owner.
  4. (Optional) Select minimum segment size.
  5. Click Generate.

Note: After the report displays, click a column header to sort rows by that column.

To launch Reorg Manager

You can launch the Reorg Manager directly from a Largest Segments report for any tables listed.

  • In the report, right-click a table name in the list and select Reorg Manager.

Other Size and Growth reports

Export a report

You can export a report to one of a number of different file formats, such as PDF or Excel. See Preview and Export Reports for more information.


Related Topics

Generate Fastest Growing Segments Report

Size and Growth reports provide information to help you plan future capacity. The Fastest Growing Segments report identifies those segments with the highest growth rate in a database.

Use the Fastest Growing Segments report to show the growth rate of the fastest growing segments in a database. You can generate a report to identify the fastest growing segments per tablespace or owner.

To generate a Fastest Growing Segments report

  1. Select Reports | Size and Growth Reports | Fastest Growing Segments.

    Note: Alternatively, you can click and select Fastest Growing Segments.

  2. Specify the number of segments to include in the report.
  3. Specify whether to select segments with the highest growth rate per tablespace or per owner.
  4. (Optional) Select minimum segment size.
  5. (Optional) Select the date range you want Space Manager to use when calculating highest growth rate.
  6. Click Generate.

Note: After the report displays, click a column header to sort rows by that column.

To launch Reorg Manager

You can launch the Reorg Manager directly from a Fastest Growing Segments report for any tables listed.

  • In the report, right-click a table name in the list and select Reorg Manager.

Other Size and Growth reports

Export a report

You can export a report to one of a number of different file formats, such as PDF or Excel. See Preview and Export Reports for more information.


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User Guide
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