Run the Database Setup utility for SQL Server (mss_setup) on a Microsoft SQL Server system to establish SharePlex as a SQL Server database user. This utility creates the following:
Microsoft SQL Server on Windows
Review the following requirements to ensure that the setup succeeds.
The Database Setup utility must be run as a SQL Server System Administrator in order to grant SharePlex the required privileges to operate on the database and to create the SharePlex database account and objects.
Run the mss_setup program from the bin subdirectory of the SharePlex product directory.
Important! If you installed the SharePlex instance on any port other than the default of 2100, use the -p option to specify the port number. For example, in the following command the port number is 9400.
C:\users\splex\bin> mss_setup -p9400
Table 9: Setup prompts and responses
Prompt | Response |
Enter the Microsoft SQL Server DSN name [] : |
Enter the data source name (DSN) that connects to SQL Server. Make certain the DSN is a system DSN, not a user DSN. |
Enter the Microsoft SQL Server Administrator name : |
Enter the name of the SQL Server Administrator. This user will perform the setup work on the SharePlex account and schema. |
Enter the password for the Administrator account : |
Enter the password of the Administrator. |
Enter the database name: |
Enter the name of the database where you want to install the SharePlex objects. |
Database name database does not exist. Would you like to create it? [y] : |
If this prompt is displayed, the specified database does not exist. Press Enter to have the setup utility create it for you. |
Would you like to create a new SharePlex login [y]: |
Press Enter to accept the default to create a new SharePlex database user account, or enter n to use an existing account as the SharePlex database user. |
Enter the name of the existing SharePlex login: Enter the name of the new SharePlex login: |
One of these prompts is displayed depending on whether you elected to create a new user or use an existing user. Enter the name of the SharePlex user.
Enter the password for login: |
Enter the password of the SharePlex user account. |
Re-enter the password for login : |
Enter the SharePlex password again. |
Will this database be used as a source? |
Accept the default of n if the database will only be a target. Enter y if this database will be a source database for SharePlex. A response of y prompts the setup to prepare the database for data capture and installs the SharePlex account and objects. |
A successful setup terminates with a message similar to the following:
Completed SharePlex for Microsoft SQL Server database configuration
SharePlex User name: splex
Database name: db1
Target specification in SharePlex configuration: r.db1
Run the Database Setup utility for Teradata (td_setup) on a Teradata system to establish a user account and database for use by SharePlex.
Teradata on supported platforms
The setup utility must be run as a Teradata Administrator in order to grant SharePlex the required privileges to operate on the database and to create the SharePlex database account.
Run the td_setup program from the bin subdirectory of the SharePlex product directory.
Important! If you installed the SharePlex instance on any port other than the default of 2100, use the ‑p option to specify the port number. For example, in the following command the port number is 9400.
$/users/splex/bin> td_setup ‑p9400
Table 10: Setup Prompts and Responses
Prompt | Response |
Please enter the full directory path of the Teradata ODBC driver: |
Enter the full path to the Teradata ODBC driver library. This step initializes the driver location within the setup utility so that the rest of the setup can take place. It requires a second running of the setup utility to complete the setup steps. |
Please run td_setup again to create the tables, login and user accounts needed to run SharePlex replication. |
Run the setup utility again, including the port number if you installed SharePlex on any port other than 2100: $/users/splex/bin> td_setup -p9400 |
Enter the Teradata DSN name or connection string[]: |
Enter the Data Source Name that connects to Teradata. |
Enter the Teradata Administrator name: |
Enter the name of the Teradata Administrator. This user will perform the work on the SharePlex account. |
Enter the password for the Administrator account: |
Enter the password of the Administrator. |
Would you like to create a new SharePlex user [y]: |
Press Enter to accept the default to create a new SharePlex database user account or enter n to use an existing SharePlex account. |
Enter the name of the new SharePlex user: (or...) Enter the name of the existing SharePlex user: |
Enter the name of the new or existing SharePlex user, depending on which option you chose in the previous step.
Enter the password for new SharePlex user: (or...) Enter the password for existing SharePlex user: |
Enter the password of the new or existing SharePlex user account. |
Re-enter the password for new SharePlex user: |
This prompt is only shown if you created a new user. Enter the SharePlex password again. |
Enter the name of the database: |
Accept the default or enter a different name for the database. |
Database name database does not exist. Would you like to create it? [y]: |
If this prompt is displayed, the specified database does not exist. Press Enter to have the setup utility create it for you. |
A successful setup terminates with a message similar to the following:
Completed SharePlex for Teradata database configuration
SharePlex User name: splex
Database name: splex
Target specification in SharePlex configuration: r.splex
The setup utility creates the following objects:
The setup utility then prompts you to specify any additional Teradata databases that you want to include as replication targets. For each of those databases, the utility issues the following grant to the SharePlex user:
grant all on database to SharePlex_user;
Run the Database Setup utility for Tibero (tb_setup) on a Tibero system to establish SharePlex as a Tibero database user. This utility creates the following:
For supported Linux platforms and versions, see the SharePlex Release Notes.
The setup utility must be run as a Tibero Administrator that retains all of that user's default privileges. The Administrator user is able to grant SharePlex the required privileges to operate on the database and to create the SharePlex database account and objects.
Run the tb_setup program from the bin subdirectory of the SharePlex product directory.
Important! If you installed the SharePlex instance on any port other than the default of 2100, use the -p option to specify the port number. For example, in the following command the port number is 9400.
C:\users\splex\bin> tb_setup -p9400
Table 11: Setup prompts and responses
Prompt | Response |
Enter the Tibero DSN name or connection string [] : |
Enter a connection string that connects to the Tibero database. |
Enter the Tibero Administrator name : |
Enter the name of the Tibero Administrator. This user will perform the setup work on the SharePlex account and schema. |
Enter the password for the Administrator account : NOTE:User 'shareplex' does not have the superuser role. |
Enter the password of the Administrator. |
Enter the replication target database name : |
Enter the name of the Tibero database where you want to install the SharePlex objects. |
Database name database does not exist. Would you like to create it? [y] : |
If this prompt is displayed, the specified database does not exist. Press Enter to have the setup utility create it for you. |
Would you like to create a new SharePlex user [y]: |
Press Enter to accept the default to create a new SharePlex database user account, or enter n to use an existing account as the SharePlex database user. |
Enter the name of the new SharePlex user: Enter the name of the existing SharePlex user: |
One of these prompts is displayed depending on whether you elected to create a new user or use an existing user. Enter the name of the SharePlex user.
Enter the password for the SharePlex user : |
Enter the password of the SharePlex user account. |
Re-enter the password for the SharePlex user : |
Enter the SharePlex password again. |
A successful setup terminates with a message similar to the following:
Completed SharePlex for Tibero database configuration
SharePlex User name: splex
Database name: tbl29
Target specification in SharePlex configuration: r.tbl29
The SharePlex utilities help you configure, test, and manage the SharePlex environment.
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