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NetVault Plug-in for Oracle 12.3 - User Guide

Introducing Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug-in  for Oracle Defining a backup strategy Installing and removing the plug-in Configuring the plug-in Backing up data Using the Oracle Flashback Database Restoring data
Restoring and recovering data: an overview Performing User Managed restores Using advanced User Managed restore procedures Performing RMAN restores Using RMAN types of recovery in a non-RAC environment Using advanced procedures with RMAN restores
Maintaining the Recovery Catalog Using the RMAN CLI Using the plug-in with Oracle RAC Using the plug-in in a failover cluster environment Using the plug-in with Oracle Data Guard Using the plug-in with Oracle Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) Troubleshooting

Querying the NetVault Backup media name

For RMAN CLI backups performed through the plug-in, you can use SQL*Plus to determine the physical media on which the RMAN backup pieces are stored. The following example shows how to query the media information using Oracle SQL*Plus.

SQL*Plus uses the following format to display the media information:

The tape_barcode is shown in parentheses.
If there is no tape_media_label, the media label defaults to “MMS NetVault Backup Tape”.

Performing CLI-based restores

This form of restore is performed using the RMAN CLI Utility. Through this utility, you can perform restores of backups, regardless of how they were created, that is, either through the plug-in or from the command line. For more information on the RMAN commands, see the Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference Guide.

IMPORTANT: Although this form of restore is initiated locally from a terminal session on the Oracle Database Server, you can monitor job progress from the Job Status page in the NetVault Backup WebUI. However, this option applies only to data restores from the media contained in devices controlled by the NetVault Backup Server.

Using the CROSSCHECK and CATALOG commands with backups

Using the Oracle RMAN CLI, you can use the CROSSCHECK and CATALOG commands in combination with the NetVault Backup Media Manager repository to check information about the backup pieces stored by the Media Manager. Before you run the CROSSCHECK or CATALOG command, make sure that you have allocated SBT channels to communicate with the NetVault Backup Media Manager. You can allocate SBT channels within a run block for CROSSCHECK or CATALOG commands. For CROSSCHECK, you also can allocate SBT maintenance channels.

You can use the CROSSCHECK command to verify that the backup pieces recorded in the recovery catalog or control file correspond with the backup pieces stored in the NetVault Backup Media Manager repository. CROSSCHECK also updates the RMAN catalog for the backup pieces that are no longer stored, or have expired, in the repository. Be aware that the CROSSCHECK command does not expire or remove NetVault Backup savesets, nor does it remove RMAN catalog records for backup pieces that are unavailable when the command is run. CROSSCHECK only updates the RMAN catalog records with the status of the backup pieces. To remove records of expired backup pieces from the catalog, use the DELETE command.

CROSSCHECK marks backup pieces that are not available in the NetVault Backup repository as EXPIRED. In addition, if the NetVault Backup repository itself is not available or cannot be accessed, CROSSCHECK also marks the backup pieces as EXPIRED.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you run the CROSSCHECK command in its own RMAN CLI session. For example, if you have opened an RMAN CLI session to run CLI backup or restores jobs, exit the session, and start a new session to run the applicable CROSSCHECK command.

You can use CATALOG to register backups pieces, image copies, archived files, and datafile copies in the RMAN Catalog Repository. Whenever you perform a backup using the RMAN backup method, the backup pieces created by the backup job are cataloged. However, there might be occasions for which you need to catalog expired backup pieces to add them back into the RMAN catalog. For example, copies of backup pieces that exceed the retention-policy period become obsolete and are not accessible through the Oracle RMAN catalog. In this case, you can use the CATALOG command to catalog them and add them back into to the catalog. You can also use the command to catalog backup pieces that were moved, removed, or renamed, or that pertain to a difference Oracle Server.

If a backup piece is already cataloged, using the CATALOG command does not change the Oracle RMAN catalog. Use of the CATALOG command is only intended to register backup pieces that are stored in the NetVault Backup Media Manager repository or on a disk. If you attempt to catalog a piece that no longer exists in the repository or on the disk, the CATALOG command fails.

Some versions of Oracle require that the catalog of the backup pieces that were created using an SBT device type, such as those created with NetVault Backup, are cataloged outside of a run block with automatic channels. In this case, configure the default device type to SBT, and catalog the backup piece or pieces. After the cataloging is completed, clear the default device type to set it to default. The following example illustrates these steps:

Using the plug-in with Oracle RAC

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User Guide
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