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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.5 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
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Code Editor

| Preferences can be changed by any user and apply to the current user only - unless otherwise stated.

Code Editor | General

| General


Option Description
Find Text at Cursor Automatically place the word at the current cursor position into the Find box.
Font The font used in the Code Editor window.

Code Convention Lowercase

Paste objects in lower case into the editor. Also affects column names in the drop down list as part of code completion in any of the text editors, as upper or lower case, when you type in a table name with the '.' operator.

The preference was previously known as Drag and Drop Objects to Lowercase.

Auto Indent Position the cursor under the first nonblank character of the preceding nonblank line when user presses Enter.

Indent Size

Indent Size used when Indenting selected text using CTRL + I.

Not applicable if Use TAB Characters is selected.

Use TAB Characters

Selected Insert tab characters.
Not Selected Insert space characters.

If Smart TAB is selected this option is off.

Tab Size The horizontal width of the Tab space in number of characters.

Smart Tab

Tab to the first character in the preceding line.

If Use TAB Characters is selected this option is off.

Smart Fill Begins every auto-indented line with the minimum number of characters possible, using tabs and spaces as necessary.
Keywords to Uppercase Convert all keywords to uppercase as they are typed into the editor.

Syntax highlighting

Enable the highlighting of syntax within the editor.

Option Description
Highlighting Style Default Styles with color schemes for syntax highlighting.
Colors Set a custom style for syntax highlighting. Also set the highlighting style to custom.

Column Track

When selected the cursor "remembers" its starting column position and moves to the same position when you move it up or down to a new line.

Use together with Allow Caret after EOL.

Hot Links When selected the user can open an object from the SQL text via Ctrl+Click.

Allow Caret after EOL


The user can move the cursor beyond the end of the current line. The cursor’s vertical movement ignores the EOL position of the line current line.

Use together with Column Track.

Not Selected

The user cannot move the cursor beyond the end of the current line. The cursor’s vertical movement is constrained by the EOL position of each line.

Show Line Numbers Show line numbers in the Code Editor.

Show Right Margin

When selected, draw a vertical line in your editing window representing the right-hand page boundary.

Option Description
Right Margin Width Placement is controlled by the Right Margin Width setting.


Open the Code Shortcuts And Templates Dialog.

Create, edit, or delete templates.

Describe Object at Hyperlink When selected, open the Describe window (Describe) when press Ctrl and right-click on an object name and create a hyperlink.
Highlight Current Line When selected, the line containing the cursor is highlighted.
Allow Tab Items to Expand onto Multiple Lines Display Tab items on multiple lines if the current line is full. Select for ease of navigating through multiple open PL/SQL objects and SQL queries.

Enable Code Collapsing

Related to: Edit, Compile And Execute

When selected, the Code Collapsing functionality is turned on allowing the user to collapse/expand blocks of code.

Option Description
Disable Code Collapsing when line count exceeds When a script/object exceeds the specified number of lines, Code Collapsing is disabled to improve performance.
Save successfully executed sql in the History tool Select to save a copy of successfully executed queries in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Quest Software\SQL Navigator\Unified Editor\history.
Turn Off Variable Hints Select turn off the pop up hints that are displayed when you hover the mouse over function or procedure names, or variables.
Scan Defines/Substitutions Related to: Scan Defines/Substitutions
Sub-tab row location Specify the position of the sub-tab to be displayed.
Close Code Editor when last tab closes When selected, the Code Editor closes when the last tab in the editor is closed.

Code Editor | SQL Scripts

| SQL Scripts

SQL Scripts

Option Description

Spool Output

When selected, returned results are sent to the spool pane (SQL Query Log (The Spool Tab)) of the Code Editor on query execution.

This option does not turn on/off the Spool option of the existing code editor tabs.

Option Description
Default Rows Displayed Specifies how many rows of returned results are sent to the spool pane of the Code Editor on query execution when Fetch All is set to OFF.
Bring to front after execution When selected, the Spool tab is shown on top after the execution of a PL/SQL block.

Split Window to Display Results

Selected The data grid is shown below the script tab.
Not Selected The data grid is shown in a whole window.

Fetch All

Selected Retrieve all results and display in the data grid.
Not Selected Retrieve the number of rows that can be displayed in the data grid. Scroll down the grid to retrieve more rows.

Show Errors in Output Window

Selected Show a brief error message in the Execution Status pane below the editing area. Show detailed error messages in the Output Window.
Not Selected Show a brief error message in the Execution Status pane only.
Retrieve all result fields as strings When selected, this option causes all numeric fields to be converted to strings on the server.
Use Table Alias Select to use table aliases in the SQL statements generated by Quick Browse and Edit Data.
Cursor focus stays in the SQL query after single execution When selected, the cursor will stay in the Script area instead of moving to the data grid.
Highlight query for corresponding data result When selected, the SQL that has been executed, and corresponds to the data shown in the data grid, is highlighted.
Focus query for corresponding data result When selected, the cursor will stay in the Script area instead of moving to the data grid.

Allow session switching

Selected You can switch sessions for an open editor. This means you can easily run the same SQL statement(s) against multiple databases.
Not Selected You will need to open multiple editing windows to accomplish this task.

Code Completion

Option Description
Delay (milliseconds)  

Automatic Code Completion

When selected,a ‘pick’ list of matching symbols (variables, parameters, procedures, types) in the current scope is displayed when you start typing in an identifier.

When selected, it will also include Automatic Dot-Lookup.

Automatic Dot Lookup

when selected, a ‘pick’ list of members of a PL/SQL record, cursor, package or %ROWTYPE record are displayed when you type a dot character after a name of variable.

Automatic Dot Lookup can be selected as a stand-alone option.

Drag & Drop

Option Description

Drag & Drop of Tables or Views nodes

Specifies what will be inserted when a table node is dragged and dropped from DB Explorer into the Code Editor.

If this preference is set to insert a query statement for each table, using Ctrl or Shift key while drag and drop will not have any effect on the format of the queries.

Drag and Drop arguments with code objects

When selected, drag & drop code objects (such as procedure, function) will include their arguments (such as Input parameters, Output parameters)

Code Analysis

Module: Code Analysis

Option Description
Embed Code Analysis in editor windows When selected, a Code Analysis tab appears in the editor window next to the Code tab which you can open as required.

Lob Viewer

Option Description
Hex Dump Mask Filter for ASCII characters.
LOB Save Path Specify the default location to save the lob content.
Text Font Specify the font attributes to be used for displaying text content.
Fixed Font Specify the font attributes to be used for displaying non-text content.
Related Documents
SQL Navigator for Oracle - 7.5
Installation Notes
Release Notes
User Guide
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