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Stat 6.2.0 hf-p has addressed the following issues: Rename SYSTEM_USER column to SYSTEM_USERNAME in STAT_PSDB_CONFIG (STAT-5998) Address 3rd party library security vulnerabilities (STAT-6010)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-o has addressed the following issues: Add EBS_SYSTEM implementation in stat 6.2 (STAT-5971) Make Oauth2.0 Client Secret optional for win client (STAT-5967)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-n has addressed the following issues: Update Copyright year to 2023 for Windows, web client & ORA AGENT (STAT-5955) Support OAuth 2.0 for Email - IMAP, POP, and SMTP Protocols (STAT-5946) Spring4Shell vulnerability (STAT-5889)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-m has addressed the following issues: OracleAgent: Upgrade log4j1 to log4j2.17.1 (STAT-5832) CentralAgent: Upgrade log4j2.16 to Log4j2.17.1 (STAT-5829) Unable to create a File from Template (STAT-5834) Copy file to working sends a java error message (STAT-5848)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-l has addressed the following issues: Log4j2 Security vulnerability issue (STAT-5821)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-k has addressed the following issues: Upgrade Struts to version 2.5.25 (STAT-5513) CSR Application Environment does not display when user does not have right to change it (STAT-5459) Improve Credential Error message to comply the standards (STAT-5402) OA allow for cancelling Pending/New event on the Oracle Console (STAT-5393) Set compatibility for diff utility to IE11 (STAT-5303)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-j has addressed the following issues: Fixed Approval and Export popup windows in Internet Explorer (STAT-5233) Fixed the content of Reset Password Email (STAT-5250) Windows Client ignored OtherDbParm parameter for SQL Server connections defined in stat.ini (STAT-5254) Support Oracle E-Business on Oracle 19c (STAT-5261)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-i has addressed the following issues: Fixed PS Sync button state after closing and opening a CSR (STAT-5212) Fixed uploading custom reports (STAT-5205) Hide adop passwords when executing long running commands (STAT-5204) Upgraded apache commons collection library to version 3.2.2 (STAT-5220) Upgraded groovy-all library to version 2.4.17 (STAT-5215) Upgraded jackson databind library to version 2.10 (STAT-5226) Upgraded jasperreport library to version 6.11.0 (STAT-5224)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-h has addressed the following issues: Improved the performance of retrieving Users Maintenance (STAT-5092) Fixed the issue with Update CSR Web Service call setting workflow to null (STAT-5100) Fixed Workflow restriction that prevented users from unlocking and removing objects in CSRs after upgrading to HF-f (STAT-5108) Fixed exporting numeric values with Excel format (STAT-5123) Fixed adding objects into CSR with Project Read Wizard when project contains large number of objects (STAT-5184) Added optional parameter owner_app_shortname when archiving 'XDF Editioning Views' (STAT-5163) Prevent users from making changes to a CSR when it’s no longer allowed after changing the CSR’s WF status (STAT-5184) Fixed listing objects for Migration Complete History report (STAT-5191)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-g has addressed the following issues: Removed password from log when migrating XDF Editioning View objects (5073) Fixed archiving and migration of XDF Editioning View objects (5067) Support major encodings when viewing archived files (5039) Support special characters for Pre and Post Migration Step Custom Commands (5035) Added horizontal scrollbar to Pre and Post Migration Step Custom Command editor (5023)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-f has addressed the following issues: Fixed Pre and Post Migration Step Past Due Business Rules (STAT-4997) Fixed PeopleSoft migrations with nine or more distributed environments (STAT-4940) Fixed error with Refresh button on CSR Objects Tab (STAT-4954) Fixed populating the DataMover Script dropdown for Post Migration Step (STAT-4946) Fixed potential unique constraint error when processing mass migrations (STAT-4953) Fixed processing REST requests when Stat user password contains colon symbol (STAT-4930)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-e has addressed the following issues: Fixed Workflow restriction when creating CSR Archive Set (STAT-4871) Fixed user right for creating a new Workflow with Copy Template (STAT-4868) Fixed OA product listing pop-up when switching from custom to pre-defined (STAT-4837) Fixed sorting of CSR Attachment list (STAT-4795) Fixed Workflow "Allow Object Add/Lock" restriction (STAT-4789) Fixed displaying of Customer phone number in CSR Window (STAT-47820 Fixed issue when user who cannot edit CSR could remove someone else’s CSR lock (STAT-4773) Fixed state of CSR Object Sync button (STAT-4754) Fixed appending CSR Type Template to CSR Description/Resolution (STAT-4748) Fixed color of CSR Workflow transfer arrow when required transfer rules are met (STAT-4720) Fixed sort order of VCM Revisions in Archive Set Revision drop down (STAT-4682)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-d has addressed the following issues: New Web service to update CSR Task percent complete (STAT-4717) Added CSR parameters for Business Rule Custom Command for Migration Notification events (STAT-4714) Added Local Custom Command step type for Pre and Post migration steps to run locally on Windows Client (STAT-4711) Fixed ability to create CSR Task when user does not have "Edit other users Tasks" right (STAT-4698) Fixed ability to edit CSR Statuses when Service Domain code is less than 3 characters (STAT-4692) Sort VCM Revisions in Archive Set Revision drop down (STAT-4682) Fixed User Right for accessing Release Recovery (STAT-4672) Improved functionality of OA WebLogic Server Test Connect (STAT-4669) Added TARGET_EDITION parameter for OA Custom Object (STAT-4648) Prevent passwords from being exposed with interpret Pre or Post Migration Step custom commands (STAT-4631) Removed "Client keystore" column in LDAP Maintenance (STAT-4623) Fixed updating CSR objects "Update Date" field when running PeopleSoft Project Sync (STAT-4605) Added ognl jar file into Central Agent module directory (STAT-4602) Fixed documenting Post migration step exit code (STAT-4592) Fixed LDAP authentication when password contains special characters (STAT-4578)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-c has addressed the following issues: Fixed issue when CSR failed to become read-only on changing the Workflow status (STAT-4544) Fixed ability to scroll when viewing CSR Log (STAT-45410) Fixed syncing of CSR Statuses when changing "Default" CSR Type (STAT-4530) Fixed setting the values for CSR Assigned User drop down for new CSRs (STAT-4514) Restored ability to view the user who currently owns CSR Lock (STAT-4510) Fixed Approval Email Button state in Transfer Rule status Window (STAT-4507) Added ability to view VCM with long description in CSR Migration Path (STAT-4459) Added an option to load File Compare utility from Stat Central Agent (STAT-4444) Fixed Logoff and wait job (STAT-4422) Corrected time for CSR Workflow Status transfer (STAT-44180 Fixed SSH command execution for Migration Steps on Windows OS (STAT-4555) Prevented potential unique constraint error on creating a new CSR (STAT-4563)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-b has addressed the following issues: Support PeopleSoft 8.57 for Stat on Oracle Database (STAT-4110) Support PeopleSoft 8.57 for Stat on SQL Server Database (STAT-4398) Fixed horizontal scrolling on CSR Workflow Tab (STAT-4396)
Stat 6.2.0 hf-a has addressed the following issues: Corrected the values in OA Edition drop-down in the Migration window (STAT-4380) Fixed display of VCM Tag/Branch Information in Archive Set Window after Archive Set created (STAT-4338) Fixed updating of CSR Owner on Workflow Status transfer (STAT-4329) Fixed comparing Oracle E-Business objects (STAT-4323) Prevent Central Agent from sending messages to OA Agents when they are not running (STAT-4321) Fixed Security Rights for CSR Issue tab (STAT-4315) Fixed Security Rights for CSR Customer Priority drop-down (STAT-4312) Fixed Security Rights to prevent user from deleting CSR Attachments (STAT-4306) Fixed Sync button state when adding or removing objects to a CSR (STAT-4302) Fixed error when Windows Client could crash by removing file objects from CSR (STAT-4284) Improved the logic for objects retrieval/archiving for GIT repository (STAT-4207) Display warning message before running post migration step to build PeopleSoft Records (STAT-2238) Fixed synchronization of audit flags for PeopleTools Service Operation Routing objects (STAT-4388)
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