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Automatic Assignment of Queue Owner when creating a new CSR in Stat 5.8.0
Previous to 5.8, when creating a CSR, the user was required to choose from the people assigned to the queue that is in place for the first step in the workflow. There was no default user assigned. Apparently in 5.8, Stat was "enhanced" to automatically assign the queue owner in this situation" "When the CSR Queue is added to a new CSR, or the queue is changed and requires a different user, the Queue Owner will be used as the default user." This behavior makes no sense in the business practices. What is happening is that the person creating the CSR is rarely the queue owner for the first step, but the queue owner is assigned to the CSR by Stat. Since a selection has been already made, they are able to save the CSR even though they did not actively choose who to assign it to, which was not possible pre-5.8 since in those versions you had to select someone or you could not save the CSR. What ends up happening is that the person creating the CSR saves it, and it is assigned to the queue owner who is someone else, thus they lose control of the CSR since they do not have the "edit CSRs assigned to others" right. They then have to track down that person or an admin to have the CSR assigned back to them. It would make more sense to default the user to the one creating the CSR if they are in the queue. If they are not in the queue and are creating the CSR, it would make sense to leave it blank and have them choose someone specifically. It does not make sense to *always* assume that the person to be assigned a CSR is the queue owner, and force the person to go change from that person to someone else. Is there a way to override this "feature".
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