I set the Updateable Icon to ON, but after running the query it still states "Data Set is Read-Only; 1 row(s) fetched". One of my table column name is similar or the same as a reserved word.
1) I turn ON the "Updateable" Icon in the Editor window
2) I run the script below:
Select *
From units
Where unitkey = 2109710
And the Status Bar at the bottom of the Editor states:
"Data Set is Updateable; 1 row(s) fetched"
3) If I run the script below:
Select a.unitkey, a.setupkey, a.setuplevel, a.bolkey, a.ordernumber,
a.unitnumber, a.unitcount, a.stackswide, a.stacksdeep,
a. shiptrnxkey, a. trailerkey, a. corpshipmentnumber, a. lotkey,
a.orderkey, a.type, a.releasekey, a.unitname, a. currentstatuskey,
a.weight, a.machineid, a. isoffcorline, a. routingnumber,
a. vendorkey, a. unitcountadj, a. custunitid, a. unitlocationkey
From units a
Where a.unitkey = 2109710
The Status Bar at the bottom of the Editor states:
"Data Set is Read-Only; 1 row(s) fetched"
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