In general, how do I debug in SQL Nav 6.X?
Steps to Debug:
1. Open a package, procedure or function
2. Press PL/SQL Debugger button on Code Editor toolbar (CTRL + ALT+S) or from RH (Righ-Hand) click menu.
3. From Session on Main Menu toolbar, click "Include Debug Info".
4. From Main Menu toolbar, click "Turn the server output ON".
5. Press F7 or F8 to start debugging or use RH click debug options.
6. Code Editor pane will split with bottom part being a sort of equivalent of older "Execution Console", and In Toolbox, a "PL/SQL Debugger" window opens, with information in status line "Probe Not Running",
7. In the bottom part of Code Editor, you have few options including some checkboxes, most likely you will be using, "Direct results to Output".
8. NOTE there is a third pane in between, along the button "Show" with drop down menu.
9. Insert values for parameters, if any (you cannot insert them during debugging).
10. Now you can set breakpoints or watches
11. Press F7 or F8 and you may get a warning message that code has been not compiled.
12. Find icon on main toolbar "Compile/Rebuild (Ctrl+F9), and press it to compile.
13. Start debugging by pressing either F7 or F8, a moment you start, you will notice on status line info that "Probe 2.4 package_name: current line number.
14. NOTE after compilation, "PL/SQL Debugger" on Toolbox will fill up with debug information.
15. NOTE blue dots on gutter, on certain line numbers; these are lines you can toggle breakpoints.
16. While debugging lasts, on RH click menu you will have further options for debugging available (they became grayed, the moment debug is over); you can access them also from Toolbox
17. Continue debugging until finish.
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