As Amazon RDS for SQL Server Connection, Amazon doesn’t provide sysadmin role to any database user, user can’t give sysadmin role to any database user to provide maximum database privileges to that user. Due to lack of access to this database role, in Amazon RDS for SQL Server connection we need to manually provide the required database privileges to a database user (only when the database user is not the master user/primary user. The master/primary user already have these required permissions).
User may be unable to perform few functionalities due to lack of database privileges:
adding the connection in Spotlight
For Extended Events functionality
For running ‘SQLVirtualLogFilesCount’ data collection procedure
User may face missing data in below drilldowns due to lack of database privileges:
Database Drilldown → Index Tab → Index Details Section
Support Services - SQL Agent Jobs
Home Page → Data Files and Log Files field
SQL Activity → Session Trace Tab
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