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Error after upgrade: Failed to inject parameters into text : Expression failed to evaluate. Column toDurationFromSec(LongRunningSQL.total_elapsed_time_sec) not found (4375486)
Error after upgrade: Failed to inject parameters into text : Expression failed to evaluate. Column toDurationFromSec(LongRunningSQL.total_elapsed_time_sec) not found
Customer report receiving errors after upgrading spotlight and importing the configuration from the old installation, via importsosse.bat. The error received reads as follows:
Information Monitored Server - SQL Server Alarm Evaluation Failure 3/18/2024 5:00:48 PM Alarm 'SQL - Long Running SQL' failed : Internal error : Failed to inject parameters into text : Expression failed to evaluate. Column toDurationFromSec(LongRunningSQL.total_elapsed_time_sec) not found : Traceback (innermost last): File 'longrunningsqlrule_ruleMessage', line 1, in ? java.lang.AssertionError: Unknown data type. Column lookup failed for identifier
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