While trying to connect to DB2 9.1 fixpack 2 the following error occur:
An error occurred while refreshing the table "DB2" in connection "connectionname"
Click OK to continue
Click Ignore to ignore any further errors related to this table, or
Click Disconnect to close this connection.
Error in Snap TableFunc.BuildResultSet SQL: -1092 Message; [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL1092N "DB2ADMIN" has no privileges to execute the following command.
With DB2 version 9 came the SNAPDBM view and SNAP_GET_DBM function. To use this objects you need SYSMON privileges, SELECT and CONTROL on SNAPDBM and EXECUTE on SNAP_GET_DBM.
If DB2ADMIN is not member of SYSADM, SYSCTRL or SYSMAINT he won't have this privileges automatically.
Add the needed privileges to user DB2ADMIN:
- add SYSMON privileges
- add SELECT and CONTROL on SNAPDBM view
- add EXECUTE on SNAP_GET_DBM function
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