When using the View/change product license option for Spotlight on Unix from within the Spotlight on DB2 console recieve the following:
Spotlight on DB2 for LUW
An unexpected problem has occurred
It is recommended that you send a support bundle to Quest Software. Click "Show details..." for more information about the problem.
Property not found in ISpotlightLicense.GetDisplayName(LicenseMagnitude)
1E226CC9 (SoUDB_Console.00225CC9)
Call stack:
1E226CC9 (SoUDB_Console.00225CC9)
09063DAE (SoU.00282DAE)
090634D4 (SoU.002824D4)
09062B03 (SoU.00281B03)
090638C1 (SoU.002828C1)
09008FDF (SoU.00227FDF)
09008E73 (SoU.00227E73)
0078E5E9 (Spotlight.0038D5E9)
0078D574 (Spotlight.0038C574)
0078EDAA (Spotlight.0038DDAA)
Installing Spotlight on Unix 7.5 into existing DB2 6.7.2 console
Install Spotlight on Unix 7.5 into a separate console and installation directory as shown.
This issue has been verified as a defect and logged as defect ID CR 79204 ( include the latest Spotlight on Unix plug-in with Spotlight on DB2 and resolve the compatibility issue) . The defect will be evaluated for a future release.
An Enhancement Request CR 79203 has also been opened for a new section to be included in the Spotlight on DB2 documentation listing incompatible plug-ins
Please refer to the “Resolved Issues” section of the Product Release Notes when new releases are available to identify if a fix for this defect has been implemented. Product Release Notes are available in the “Product Documentation” area of our Support Website at support.quest.com.
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