You see the sp_opst error out (core dump) as follows
11/02/07 00:07 Error: OCI Error: Invalid Handle [sp_opst (for o.SID1-o.SID2 queue queuename)/4420842]
11/02/07 00:07 Error: OCIAttrGet failed with ORA--2; rpc 0. [sp_opst (for for o.SID1-o.SID2 queue queuename)/4420842]
11/02/07 00:07 Error: OCI Error: Invalid Handle [sp_opst (for for o.SID1-o.SID2 queue queuename)/4420842]
11/02/07 00:07 Error: OCIAttrGet failed with ORA--2; rpc 0. [sp_opst (for for o.SID1-o.SID2 queue queuename)/4420842]
11/02/07 00:07 Error: process sp_opst killed due to SIGSEGV [sp_cop/163866]
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