When upgrading from Shareplex 5.1 to Shareplex 5.3, when one tries to activate a config, it fails as follows:
sp_ctrl (datatest2:2101)> activate config ORA_config
Error: Unable to activate config.
The "show log reverse" shows the following error:
10/20/06 16:22 License Status: SPO, "Trial Key" will expire on Midnight of Nov 10, 2006
10/20/06 16:20 Checking destination host state: datatest1.esri.com is connected
10/20/06 16:19 Process exited sp_tconf (for o.gos2) [pid = 10717] - exit(1)
10/20/06 16:19 Bad config file: file - ORA_config; Error: Unable to activate config.
10/20/06 16:19 Config compilation completed: datasrc - o.gos2; file - ORA_config
10/20/06 16:19 Error: Failed to insert data into the SharePlex Config table. act_id 5 seq_num 7 thread_id 1 hostname: datatest2 instance: gos2 IOT_flag 0 - ORA-00904: "RECOVERY_SEQNO": invalid identifier. [sp_tconf/10717]
10/20/06 16:19 Notice: Performing a checkpoint on instance(s) [sp_tconf(rom)/10717]
10/20/06 16:19 Notice: Oracle compatible parameter='' [sp_tconf/10717]
10/20/06 16:19 Notice: New activation id 5 [sp_tconf/10717]
10/20/06 16:19 Notice: Oracle version 92 [sp_tconf(osp)/10717]
10/20/06 16:19 Compiling a configuration file: datasrc - o.gos2; file - ORA_config
10/20/06 16:19 Notice: Oracle env - gos2:/test3/ora920/app/oracle/product/9.2.0 [sp_tconf(pdb)/10717]
10/20/06 16:19 Process launched: sp_tconf (for o.gos2) [pid = 10717]
10/20/06 16:19 Logging user command: ora920 activate config ORA_config
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