Post is slow and the following entries are logged very frequently in event_log:
Warning 2016-08-18 01:13:31.333416 4006 893086016 s:6 Poster: que/seq = 6/ 395247600 seqno/offset = 3743/68745936 Table "owner.tablename" is out-of-sync. No conflict resolution available (posting from source_SID, queue queue_name, to target_SID) [module opo]
Warning 2016-08-18 01:13:31.348457 4006 893086016 s:6 Poster: que/seq = 6/ 395248038 seqno/offset = 3743/68746484 Table "owner.tablename" is out-of-sync. No conflict resolution available (posting from source_SID, queue queue_name, to target_SID) [module opo]
The “trace post” is run on the Post queue which indicates that the execution rate of the SQL in the database is healthy and there are no other issues with Post such as time spent in queues or time spent in COMMIT.
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