Post process stopped due to OCIServerAttach failed with ORA-12537.
Errors in event log appear as follows:
Error 2009-10-22 10:45:00.416132 471160 1 Poster: 12032 - OCIServerAttach failed with ORA-12537. (posting from SPLEX_OCORDB, que
ue QP_Q3, to SPLEX_OCDCDB) [module osp]
Notice 2009-10-22 10:45:00.421827 471160 1 Poster: (posting from SPLEX_OCORDB, queue QP_Q3, to SPLEX_OCDCDB) [module osp]
Error 2009-10-22 10:45:00.421940 471160 1 Poster: Unexpected Oracle error: in ../src/opst_mt/connection.cpp:309 (posting from S
PLEX_OCORDB, queue QP_Q3, to SPLEX_OCDCDB) [module osp]
Error 2016-07-14 13:01:58.108590 13281 1 Poster: 12032 - OCIServerAttach failed with ORA-12537 (posting from sffdb, queue serviam3, to cnmdb) [module osp]
Notice 2016-07-14 13:01:58.132725 13281 1 Poster: (posting from sffdb, queue serviam3, to cnmdb) [module osp]
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