The following messages are observed in the event_log though the replication is working fine:
The example below is for compare client:
Info 2017-09-07 12:18:15.170000 11352 11036 Compare client exited normally, pid = 34412 [sp_declt]
Info 2017-09-07 12:17:25.888000 28944 13952 Compare client launched, pid = 28944 [sp_declt]
Notice 2017-09-07 12:17:25.885000 28944 13952 Compare client: Parameter SP_OPO_TRACK_CHANGES not found [sp_declt] [module pdb]
The example below is for Post:
Poster launched, pid = 2552 (posting from SID1, queue queue_name, to SID2)
Notice 2017-09-01 18:14:47.377000 2552 5188 Poster: Parameter SP_OPO_TRACK_CHANGES not found (posting from SID1, queue queue_name, to SID2) [module pdb]
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