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Activation fails with "Bad config file: file - <name> file; CNF Abort - failed to lock tabl
During activation, the messages of the type as follows are received:
06/08/03 09:48 Error: sp_tconf (for o.SID1 queue *) Failed to lock table OWNER.TABLENAME due to: ORA-00055: maximum number of DML locks exceeded. 06/08/03 09:48 Config compilation completed: datasrc - o.SID1; file - configfilename 06/08/03 09:48 Bad config file: file - configfilename; CNF Abort - failed to lock table OWNER.TABLENAME. Maximum number of DML locks exceeded. Make sure the DML locks parameter in the initialization parameter file is greater than the number of tables in the config file 06/08/03 09:48 Process exited sp_tconf (for o.SID1 queue *) [pid = 24630] - exit(1)
There was a problem with locking of table(s). In this case the value of the init.ora paramter DML_LOCKS was causing problems. The customer was not in a position to increase the parameter. There could be other reasons why one may not want to lock the table(s) during activation.
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