Event_log shows the following messages:
Process exited sp_ocap (for o.webdb) [pid = 14508] - exit(1)
Warning: 10727 - Possible log wrap at activation 168, log sequence number 6449, offset 58379820 [sp_ocap/14508]
Warning: 10751 - log wrap detected [sp_ocap/14508]
Notice: Begin record skip at seqno=6449 offset=58379820 [sp_ocap/14508]
Warning: A portion of the redo log could not be parsed [sp_ocap/14508]:
In SharePlex 8.6 or higher, the following messages may show up which are more prescriptive:
Error 2016-07-22 18:07:40.256451 12563 2606753536 Capture: [SP-OCT01001] Unable to find archivelog with sequence#: 54460 (thread: 1). <CAUSE> SharePlex was unable to locate the redo/archive log for sequence 54460 in the database location or under the directory defined by SP_OCT_ARCH_LOC parameter. <ADVICE> Restore this archivelog to archive location if missing or set the file's location using SP_OCT_ARCH_LOC. Make sure it is not compressed then restart capture. See 'http://advice.shareplex.com/SP-OCT01001' for additional advice and support. (capturing from source_SID) [module oct]
"show capture detail" output from sp_ctrl shows that nothing is processed:
sp_ctrl (gsbdb:2201)> sp_ctrl (gsbdb:2201)> show capture detail
Host: gsbdb
Source Status Captured Since
---------- --------------- ---------- ------------------
o.webdb Running 0 10-Oct-07 05:02:07
Oracle current redo log : 6473
Capture current redo log : 0
Capture log offset : 0
Last redo record processed:
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