Activation worked on demo table but failed with real config due to the following error:
06/27/06 15:22 Notice: New activation id 198 [sp_tconf/19604]
06/27/06 15:22 Notice: Oracle compatible parameter='' [sp_tconf/19604]
06/27/06 15:22 Notice: Performing a checkpoint on instance(s) [sp_tconf(rom)/19604]
06/27/06 15:22 Error: 1 - Error logging onto database 12560 [sp_tconf(rom)/19604]
06/27/06 15:22 Error: Failed to build rowmap [sp_tconf/19604]
06/27/06 15:22 Config compilation completed: datasrc - o.PTD2; file - pwtr_rep
06/27/06 15:22 Bad config file: file - pwtr_rep; sp_tconf error - Failed to build rowmap, check event_log and rmp log for details.
06/27/06 15:22 Process exited sp_tconf (for o.PTD2) [pid = 19604] - exit(1)
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