Event_log errors:
Info 2015-02-02 16:37:07.566276 2032296 1 Poster exited normally, pid = 28049450 (posting from SOURCESID, queue <name>, to TARGETSID) Error 2015-02-02 16:37:06.842799 28049450 772 s:6 Poster: failed to commit transaction session 6 in CommitFunc(): ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE. Will exit Post.. (posting from SOURCCESID, queue <name>, to TARGETSID) [module opo]
Error 2015-02-02 16:37:06.833616 28049450 772 s:6 Poster: 12070 - OCITransCommit failed with ORA-3114. (posting from SOURCESID, queue <name>, to TARGETSID) [module osp]
Error 2015-02-02 16:37:06.539224 28049450 772 s:6 Poster: OCIAttrGet failed with ORA-1403. (posting from SOURCESID, queue <name>, to TARGETSID) [module opo]
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