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Forest Recovery Agent unexpected behavior with certificates AgentCerts.pfx
Number of issues identified with machines that were not using correct instance of AgentCerts.pfx
- No clear indication that issue is due to SCHANNEL authentication failure. Message is very generic and misleading (Forest Recovery agent no installed or not started)
- No option to PUSH correct certificate to the server. Console has the correct copy, console has the AD credentials to connect via RPC and make the change, but there's no option for it. Certificate had to be updated manually.
- "Restart Agent" option doesn't work properly. Upon replacing the certificate (copying correct version to C:\Program Files\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory Forest Edition), doing "Restart Agent" via console seems to succeed, but service is not using the new cert. Must manually stop and start the Forest Recovery service.
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Recovery Manager for AD Disaster Recovery Edition
10.3.1, 10.3, 10.2.2, 10.2.1
Recovery Manager for AD Forest Edition
10.3.1, 10.3, 10.2.2, 10.2.1
Article History:
Created on: 9/11/2024 Last Update on: 10/3/2024
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