Sometimes events may be seen in the PST Flight Deck Admin Console (PST Flight Deck Console -> Manage -> Events) which prevent a user from starting their upload:
We have reached the Maximum number of Gigabytes (50) allowed to be uploaded concurrently. Size of [samaccountname] PST Files which are considered to be upload candidates: X Mb
We have reached the Maximum number of Users (50) allowed to be uploaded concurrently. Skipping.
There are 2 settings per location in the PST Flight Deck Admin Console to manage the upload queue (Settings -> Locations -> Edit):
* Concurrent Uploads (default value is 150): The number of concurrent uploads that can be performed by all Migration Agents.
* Maximum Upload Size (default value is 250): The total size of concurrent uploads that can be performed by all Migration Agents.
Each time Migration Agent asks for new work items PST Flight Deck Core Server runs a query against PST Flight Deck database to check the current amount of concurrent running uploads (Concurrent Uploads) and the current total size of PST files queued for the upload (Maximum Upload Size). This query is executed on the live data; i.e. it reflects the current status in the database for all files in a “Running” upload status.
When the configured amount is reached PST Flight Deck Core Server won’t send any “new” upload command the Migration Agent and the error above is thrown in the PST Flight Deck Admin Console (Events in Dashboard).
There are two ways how to resolve the errors:
1. Increase the settings in the PST Flight Deck Admin Console to create some space for additional uploads.
2. Wait till the currently running uploads are being completed.
There is an automatic retry mechanism implemented in PST Flight Deck to reset all stuck uploads. You can find the setting called “Reset Hanging Uploads” after X “Hours” in the PST Flight Deck Admin Console (Settings -> Environment -> Advanced):
There is also a scheduled task called “Reset Hanging Uploads” (Settings -> Scheduled Tasks) to reset any uploads to the PST Flight Deck server which have hung:
This scheduled task will reset all hanging PST files. Below are some examples of its uses:
1. If a PST file has the status “Failed” – doesn’t matter on the setting above (“Reset Hanging Uploads” after X “Hours”). The upload will be reset once the scheduled tasks runs next time.
2. If a PST file has the status “Running” – if a PST file upload has been in operation for many hours (i.e. shows no progress) it will be reset. This will cause the Migration Agent to remove the upload request and to start a new one.
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