To create one or more collections with a CSV file:
This is a two-step process as described below:
Step 1: Prepare the CSV file
NOTE: Using a CSV file provides the following additional benefits:
- Multiple collections can be created with the same CSV file.
- Existing collections can be specified in the CSV file to add additional accounts
- Accounts can be listed in multiple collections
You can choose one of two formats to prepare the CSV file:
Format 1: Use the ObjectId to identify accounts
- ObjectId - Column header for the globally unique identifier that represents a discovered account. The following variations of ObjectId are supported: ObjectId, objectid, objectId, OBJECTID
- Collection - Column header for the collection name
Format 2: Use the UserPrincipalName to identify accounts
- UserPrincipalName - Column header for the login name of an account based on the Internet standard RFC 822. Do not use a mail nickname or proxy address. The following variations of UserPrincipalName are supported: UserPrincipalName, userprincipalname, USERPRINCIPALNAME
- Collection - Column header for the collection name
Step 2: Import the CSV file
- Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have multiple organizations.
- From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
- Create a new project or open an existing project.
- Click the Accounts tile, or click Open from the Accounts tile to open the Accounts and User Data workspace.
- Select the Accounts tab and select List View if not already selected.
- From the actions toolbar, click More Actions and then click Import Collections. The Import Collections from File dialog opens.
- Click the Provide accounts as a list of drop-down and select either ObjectIds or UserPrincipalNames depending on the format of the CSV file that you have prepared.
- Click Browse and select the CSV file. The selected CSV file name appears.
- Click Import.
NOTE: Identifiers of accounts that are not discovered are ignored without producing an event.
Important: CSV headers are case-sensitive. Please make sure that CSV file format is either UTF-8 or UTF-8 with BOM.