If you have upgraded to version 13.1.x prior to version in your environment and are using disk-based storage targets then it will likely be affected by this issue. Upgrading to will correct the issue with future items being deleted but there will likely be previously orphaned images that will need to be addressed.
Examples of disk-based targets:
- QoreStor
- DataDomain
- NetVault SmartDisk
- DR-Series
- Object Storage
Some of the files on the storage may not be removed automatically, and without manual intervention, the storage may run out of space.
To have a very high-level view from the impact we can compare the number of files seen by NetVault against the number of files in the storage.
From NetVault, go to Explore Storage > Disk Storage, find the row from the storage to be reviewed and add up the "Record Count" and "Saveset Count":

Using QoreStor as an example. Go to the container details and view the number of Active Files:

Following from the examples above. NetVault has three(3) files on the container whereas QoreStor shows it has 28. Note that this is just the number of files without accounting for space.
Most disk storage have additional configuration files that count towards the number of files, so the number is not an exact match. However, a difference over five(5) files indicates there may be some orphans.