Title: INTERNAL-NetVault cannot see devices after Kernel or Guardian OS upgrade
Date: 05/06/2007
NV Version: ALL
OS Version: linux kernel 2.4x
Application version: N/A
Plugin version: N/A
This article describes the situation whereby an OS upgrade (SNAP's Guardian OS or other linux kernel versions) to v2.4x,
causes some devices not to be picked up by the Operating System.
It also shows the steps in troubleshooting this issue and offers possible solutions to help rediscovering the missing device(s).
Although Support shouldn't be held repsonsible to troubleshoot 3rd party software issues, this internal article offers the opportunity to acquire
useful additional knowledge.
Symptoms / Scenario:
Before an OS upgrade, NetVault recognized and successfully used a library, but after the upgrade was performed,
the OS and therefore NetVault could no longer see the changer, however the drive(s) can still be seen.
Taking a closer look at it, we notice t
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