Date - DEC 2009
Affected Product & Version - 8.5
Affected Module & Version - N/A
OS Version - N/A
Application Information - N/A
Sharing VTL drives within a SAN
Steps needed to share the drives in the VTL:
1)Stop the NetVault Service and copy the 'diskdevices.cfg' file and save to your desktop.
2)Start the NetVault service
3)On the NetVault server, launch the NVGUI, Device Management window. Highlight and select the VTL, choose modify, this will bring up the 'modify Library' window.
4)Choose the configure tab and deselect any drives that you wish to have associated with the Smart Client. Save the new configuration.
5)On one of the NetVault client machines attached to the SAN that you wish to become a 'Smart Client', stop the NetVault service.
6)Copy the 'diskdevices.cfg' from your desktop to <NetVault client machine>\C:\Program Files\BakBone Software\NetVault\config folder and overwrite the existing file.
7)Edit the updated 'diskdevices.cfg' file and remove all drives, except for the drive(s) that you wish associated with this Smart Client. Verify that the path to the VTL is correct in the 'diskdevices.cfg'. If the path is not correct the smart client will not be able to see the disk drive on the VTL.
NOTE: any drive can be associated with any smart client/server only once.
8)Start the NetVault service on the Smart client machine.
9)On the NetVault server, launch the NVGUI, Device Management window, Highlight and select the VTL, choose modify, this will bring up the 'modify Library' window. Go to the 'Drive Selection' tab.
10)Select the Smart client machine from step 5 and choose the drive that you specified in the diskdevices.cfg
11)Go to the Configure tab and save the configuration.
12)Repeat step
Please refer to the text above
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