Scheduled Report email notifications are received twice.
The same report email is received twice by the recipient.
Looking under "Configure Notifications" we can see 2 entries for all "Sysop E-mail" notification methods fields and their check boxes.
The Global Notification methods are possible thanks to the scripts found under NetVault Backup\scripts\global.
For each method: Sysop E-mail, print, run a job, SNMP trap, exists a script under the above folder:
sysmail, sysprint, sysrunjob, systrap
If a copy of any of the above scripts is made within this folder, the Configure Notifications page will show 2 entries for that method and any event calling that method will be executed twice.
This is because, when loading the "Configure Notifications" page the webservice process will read all scripts headers found in this folder and will set an entry for each even if there already exist a similar entry.
To resolve this issue:
- Check the NetVault scripts folder:
Windows = ..NetVault Backup\scripts\global
Linux = /usr/netvault/scripts/global
- Look for any copies of the default scripts and remove them from this folder
- Note that the filenames maybe any value and won't necessarily correspond to the default script filename.
For instance the above issue may happen if a user copies sysmail.bat as test.bat.
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