Looking at binary log directly before failure warnings of “Failed to get status of file” can be seen. On examination of the warning internal message “Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. (1450)” is seen.
Looking at the trace from the client “Unable to allocate 3825032 bytes of memory” is reported.
On checking available memory on the client it is observed that client only has 8GB memory installed.
Binary log extract:
Warning 2019/07/09 17:37:47 153 Data Plugin EXPMCL Failed to get status of file
Warning 2019/07/09 17:37:47 153 Data Plugin EXPMCL Failed to get status of file
Failed to get status of file 'F:\A suppr\FACTO', Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. (1450)
Error 2019/07/09 17:37:47 153 Data Plugin client Error processing existing directory list
Error 2019/07/09 17:37:47 153 Data Plugin client1 Failed to build valid list of incremental entries
SevereError 2019/07/09 17:37:47 153 Data Plugin client1 Failed while backing up items
Trace log extract:
2 HBBACKUP ??? 10836 341 0 115528731537 Backing up filesystem entries using a single stream
0 MEM ??? 10836 17 12 115528948543 Failed to allocate 3825060 byte: The access code is invalid.
0 MEM ??? 10836 17 12 115528948594 Failed to allocate 3825060 byte: The access code is invalid.
0 MEM ??? 10836 4 1 115528948606 Unable to allocate 3825032 bytes of memory
0 MEM ??? 10836 19 0 115528948615 Terminal memory count: Cur: 236011 Max: 236033, Alloc: 893077, Bytes: 26330252 HWM: 29646660
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