NetVault 11.*
NetVault 12.0, 12.0.1
These are guidelines for migrating windows and LINUX NetVault server to new systems
Migrating NetVault server
NetVault 11.*
NetVault 12.0, 12.0.1
These are guidelines for migrating windows and LINUX NetVault server to new systems
1/ on is production NetVault server (current nvserver) check version and type hybrid or pure 64 by getting zipped copy of his …/netvault/config folder. In here check versions.cfg this will tell you.
This is the exact version you need to install on the new NetVault server.
2/ check the new NetVault server has sufficient space for the NetVault database restore. We can do this by checking the size of the last NetVault database backup. We can see this if we view job, and n RHS there is list of backups showing the date/time/size. We need to make sure the NetVault volume we restore has free space at least “database backup size + 30% of the total size volume we installing to, “if not bigger”.
3/ the NetVault database backup we use to restore must be the last NetVault database backup taken and no more backups should be taken until we have a working new NetVault server.
Note: when we take the NetVault database backup we intend to use for the restore make sure that all jobs are on hold. This will stop jobs starting as soon as we start NetVault services and will only start to run when we release then from hold.
Note: if we are using a DR it is best to have a separate container for the NetVault database backups as when we add the container to the new NetVault server there is less data to scan and therefore take less time.
Note: If we have NetVault database on tape make note of the tape label/barcode as we will need this later.
4/ take a zipped copy of the …/netvault/config and …/netvault/etc folder and copy these to the new server in temporary directory NOT NetVault directory.
5/ install NetVault same version and type to the new NetVault server using the same name as old NetVault server when prompted for the name during install. Check the old NetVault server in manage clients the name will be here. It should be noted that the name input is case sensitive so make sure we use same case in the name.
Note: before installing NetVault on LINUX system check installation guide of version being installed and verify that all platform-specific requirements have been implemented.
6/ attach device that the NetVault database backup on to the NetVault server and scan the tape or the DR container that has the NetVault database backup on that we wish to use.
Note: when adding the library advisable to make sure only the NetVault database tape is in the slots. This will save time as NetVault will load every tape and read the header before letting you scan. With multiple tapes this can take some time.
7/ now we restore the NetVault database selecting options auditor database, schedule database, media manger, backup indexes and scripts. Let the restore start it will log you out, do not login to monitor the restore you will know when it’s complete because the NetVault services will stop on the NetVault server.
8/ to monitor on windows use services window and wait until NetVault process manger is stopped
On Linux we can use the command “/usr/netvault/bin/nvpmgr status”
Or the following command to check to see if we have NetVault processes running.
Ps –ef | grep nv
9/ When NetVault services are stopped , move …/etc/machines.dat, …/netvault/config/clientlist.txt, …/netvault/config/firewall.cfg to save backup location not inside the NetVault file structure.
Then copy from folders we previously copied over to temp folder these files only in to the corresponding folders of the new NetVault installation.
10/ start services, select change settings > server setting > process manger and change setting “Shared Memory (Kb) Used for Process Table” to 128000
11/ increase the size of the non-interactive desktop heap (zzzz) in the following registry to allow the increase in shared memory configured in step 10 on windows server. This step is not required on LINUX NetVault server just restarting the services on Linux server will allow shred memory to be active for the Linux NetVault server.
value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\SubSystems\
The SharedSection setting in this registry value controls how the desktop heap is allocated. The heap size
is specified in KB. The format for specifying the heap size is as follows:
xxx defines the maximum size of the system-wide heap
yyyy defines the size of each desktop heap
zzzz defines the size of the desktop heap that is associated with a non-interactive Windows station
To increase the size of the non-interactive desktop heap
a Start the Registry Editor. (In the Run box on the Start Menu, type regedit, and press Enter.)
b Expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session
Manager\SubSystems key.
c On the right pane, right-click Windows, and select Modify.
d In the Edit String dialog box, change the value for the SharedSection parameter from 512 to 1024:
Windows SharedSection=1024,3072,1024
e Click OK, and close the Registry Editor.
f restart netvault services to allow registry edit to take effect.
12/ add clients you may need to input password using check access and recommend firewall test is run on the clients at this time to verify connectivity of the client.
Any yellow virtual client will need to removed and recreated.
13/ any nonstandard plugins installed on the NetVault server will need to be reinstalled and configured. Example NDMP VMware plugins.
14/ license for the server will need to be added and any license required for nonstandard plugins that are installed on the NetVault server
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