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Tape library hangs on a 'Checking' status with a 'ASC 00 ASCQ 00' error.
Environment details: NetVault Server: 9.2 RedHat Enterprise 5. Backup Device: Quantum Superloader 3 tape library (FW: V91.0 005B.0H) with an LTO-5 drive (IBM HH 5 TS2350 FW: D8D5) and connected to the NetVault Server via SAS. The SAS cable from tape library is attached to SAS connector on mother board and not via a separate HBA, as that HBA was already in use.
The tape library was added to the NetVault Server and the drive starts checking and could hear the tape movement on the tape library. However the status of the drive in the NetVault Device Manager window does not change from a 'Checking' status and therefore couldn't use the drive at all.
Checked that the tape library was setup to Random mode as per the following KBA (sequential mode is not supported) and was configured correctly:
This is a generic message and can point to anything from the Motherboard, HBA, HBA Driver, SCSI cables, SCSI Terminators, tape library, drive(s), tape library firmware, drive(s) firmware (all drives should be on the same firmware version). You may have to try a HBA SAS card and place in the HBA slot, to check if the SAS connector on the Motherboard is at fault.
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