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Some NetVault GUI selectable items are overlapping each other or almost missing.
Some fields in the back-up Tabs were missing or unreadable on a new installation of the NetVault Backup 9.0.1 build2 Pure64 Edition on a RedHat 6.6 Enterprise version (see attached screenshot). Make sure that all the pre-requisites have been performed as per Chapter 3 of the NetVault 9.2 Installation Guide on the following link:
The screen resolution should also set to 1280x1080 as per the NetVault 9.2 Installation Guide. Also make sure that these additional Linux pre-requisites are performed:
Using any remote software like VNC can also cause this issue, but even launching the NVGui on the Linux Server directly had the same issue. All the Xfonts were installed, including the preferred 75dpi fonts, but unfortunately this made no difference.
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