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Network share backup fails with a 'Unable to initialize path to selected item' error message.
NetVault Environment Details...
NetVault Backup: 8.6.3 Network Share Device: NAS
The Binary log had the folloiwng messages and errors:
1] Job Message 2014/01/29 11:26:15 375 Media WOLINFL003 (Superloader3h) Media in 'DRIVE 1:WOLINFL003' assigned to job ready for data transfer 2] Information 2014/01/29 11:26:15 375 Data Plugin WOLINFL003 Connecting to Network Share: \\WOLNAS02\BkupExecB2d01 3] Warning 2014/01/29 11:26:15 375 Data Plugin WOLINFL003 Unable to initialize path to selected item 'B2D1' - won't back up this item or its children 4] Job Message 2014/01/29 11:26:54 375 Data Plugin WOLINFL003 Job completed with warnings/errors
NetVault Server File System Plugin Trace had the following messages and errors:
2 HBUTIL ??? 7852 56 0 112525583973 Converting selection tree item 'Network Shares' type 1004015 2 HBUTIL ??? 7852 56 0 112525583973 Converting selection tree item '\\WOLNAS02\BkupExecB2d01\' type 1004004 2 HBUTIL ??? 7852 56 0 112525583973 Converting selection tree item 'B2D1' type 1004001 2 HBUTIL ??? 7852 61 0 112525724365 Found start of new selection set at 'B2D1' 2 HBUTIL ??? 7852 12 0 112525724365 SELECTION SET: 2 HBUTIL ??? 7852 13 0 112525724365 Component = 'B2D1' 2 HBUTIL ??? 7852 14 0 112525724365 Depth = '2' 2 HBUTIL ??? 7852 11 0 112525724365 Parent: '\\WOLNAS02\BkupExecB2d01\' 2 HBUTIL ??? 7852 16 0 112525724365 Restore Name = 'B2D1' 0 DYNLIB ??? 7852 10 0 112525739963 Error obtaining function address: The specified procedure could not be found. 0 FSWINUTL ??? 7852 90 0 112615438378 Failed to get information for filesystem '\\WOLNAS02\BkupExecB2d01\' : 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. '
‘B2D1' is a folder on a Network Share: \\WOLNAS02\BkupExecB2d01 (NAS) that has been selected for the backup.
These are the problem error messages:
a] Unable to initialize path to selected item 'B2D1' - won't back up this item or its children b] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Creating a new network share in the Filesystem Plugin backup also resulted in the same issue. This confirms that there is a problem connecting to the ‘B2D1' folder on the \\WOLNAS02\BkupExecB2d01 path.
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