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Filesystem Plugin restore fails with a 'ASC 11 ASCQ 00' and 'UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' error.
Filesystem Plugin restore fails with the following messages and errors:
1] Job Message 2015/01/16 07:54:16 1961 Jobs netvault_server Starting job 1961 'sods rest test' (Phase 1 , Instance 1) for UID 0 2] Job Message 2015/01/16 07:54:16 1961 Data Plugin nods File System 7.9.9 restore 3] Information 2015/01/16 07:54:17 1961 Data Plugin nods Current host : OS 'SOLARIS' System 'SunOS' Node 'sods' Release '5.10' Version 'Generic_141444-09' Machine 'sun4u' 4] Job Message 2015/01/16 08:01:08 1961 Media netvault_server (netvault_server: SL_00X4U78C4554_LL0 (IBM 3573-TL)) Media in 'DRIVE 1:netvault_server' assigned to job ready for data transfer 5] Information 2015/01/16 08:01:08 1961 Media netvault_server Using network socket for data transfer 6] Error 2015/01/16 08:13:49 1961 Media netvault_server netvault_server SL_1210295282 (IBM ULT3580-TD3): had media error
With sub text: This will almost certainly be a hardware error either with the SCSI card. The problem is probably not due to drive order as there is no message that the library cannot move a tape to/from a slot.
SCSI 25 0 81349 CMD READ [ 08 01 00 00 01 00 ] SCSI 17 0 81349 CMD SENSE KEY 'MEDIUM ERROR ' [3] - ASC 11 ASCQ 00 SCSI 18 0 81349 CMD SENSE INFO 'UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' TAPESCSI 79 0 81349 Unexpected error reading media MEDREAD 305 0 81349 Device read data returned 257(0x101)
7] Error 2015/01/16 08:13:49 1961 Media netvault_server (netvault_server: SL_00X4U78C4554_LL0 (IBM 3573-TL)) Drive 'DRIVE 1:netvault_server' has completed its transfer
With sub text: DEVMGR 273 0 81349 bHardwareError = TRUE
8] Error 2015/01/16 08:13:50 1961 Data Plugin nods Fatal error while processing item : 'Error reading from media'
With sub text: SWIFTdata01.dbf
9] Warning 2015/01/16 08:13:50 1961 Data Plugin nods 1 items and their contents could not be restored
With sub text: /data2/oradata/dbsSWIFT/SWIFTdata01.dbf : reading from media
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