To perform file-level restores from image-level backups
1) In the Navigation pane, click Create Restore Job.
2) In the saveset table, select the applicable item, and click Next.
• By default, the list is sorted alphabetically by saveset name. To sort the list by another column,
click the heading of the column. The arrowhead next to the column header name indicates the
sort order (up for ascending order and down for descending). To reverse the sort order, click the
column heading again.
• You can use one or more filters to display specific savesets on this page. You can also search for a
data item in savesets and view the media list for a saveset. For more information about these
features, see Using additional features available on the Choose Saveset page.
• When you select a saveset, the following details are displayed in the Saveset Information area:
Job ID, Job Title, name of the NetVault Backup Server, name of the client from which the data
was backed up, plug-in used to create the saveset, saveset creation date and time, saveset
retirement setting, whether Incremental Backup or not, whether Archive or not, and saveset size.
3) On the Create Selection Set page, open the applicable container nodes (that is, the vCenter,
Datacenter, ESX Host Cluster, and ESX Server) to list the virtual machine images stored in the saveset.
4) Open the image from which you want to restore the files. Open the Volumes node, and then open the
disk partitions to display the directory tree.
5) Select the files and directories that you want to restore.
NOTE: Only backups created with Plug-in for VMware 2.6 and later support the Rename feature.
NOTE: When you rename a virtual machine, the plug-in renames all disk and configuration files
except the vmware.log files.
6) Click Edit Plugin Options, and configure the following settings.
7) Click Save to save the settings, and then click Next.
8) In Job Name, specify a name for the job. Assign a descriptive name that allows you to easily identify the job for monitoring its progress. The job name can contain alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric characters, but it cannot include non-Latin
characters. There is no length restriction. However, a maximum of 40 characters is recommended on all platforms
9) In the Target Client list, the client from which data was backed up is selected by default. Do not change
this setting.
10) Select or create the Schedule Set, Restore Source Set, and Advanced Options Set. For more information
about these sets, refer to the NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide.
11) Click Submit to submit the job for scheduling. You can monitor the job progress from the Job Status page and view the logs from the View Logs page. For more information about these functions, refer to the NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide below.