To get this to work you need to use the sysnative cmd in the syntax in the batch file as this will force a 32bit process to call a 64bit process.
So basically you need to create a batch file called vranger_sweep.bat and enter the the following syntax:
@echo off
C:\Windows\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -File "%~dp0vranger_sweep.ps1"
Copy the Vranger_sweep.bat and the Vranger_sweep.ps1 to the netvault\scripts directory on which the Vranger and NetVault Client or Server installation pending on what setup you have based on solution:
The powershell script has been adeed to the ticket. Please check the script and check location of the vRanger.API.PowerShell.dll matches the location of your installation of Vranger.
In Verion 7.1.1 its:
"C:\Program Files\Quest software\vRanger\vRanger.API.PowerShell.dll"
With all of the above done you will now be able to excute the ondemand Job for Vranger and then backup to tape using the prescript function in NetVault.
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