Restart the service that the writer was associated with and/or fix whatever configuration issue is causing the failures.
For example, given the above output I would restart the “Exchange Information Store” Service and maybe the “Microsoft Exchange Writer” as well, in an attempt to return the writer to a Stable No Error state.
For further information on how to resolve exchange write problems see KB below: run the Exchange backup again.
If the error still happens, then I would reboot the Exchange Server, as memory fragmentation is a cause of VSS issues.
Here are some additional tips for VSS issues…
IMPORTANT: The below information is provided as a general guidance and Quest Software, are not liable for any problem that arises following Microsoft configuration changes.
You should seek Microsoft expert advice to perform any Microsoft related troubleshooting or configuration change, and we recommend opening a case with Microsoft.
1] Make sure the machine is patched with latest SP and VSS roll-up patches.
2] Check space: 30% free is needed for snapshots.
3] Memory fragmentation is a cause of VSS issues, so reboot if possible.
4] Verify VSS shadow copies are enabled for each of the drives to backup. (My Computer > right click drive > Properties > Shadow Copies).
5] Are there any other backups or applications trying to schedule a snapshot at the same time?
6] Run CHKDSK on each drive with the /f switch to fix any errors on the disk.
7] Make sure that the COM+ Event System service is set to Automatic.
8] Make sure Volume Shadow Copy service is set to Manual.
9] Having the Exchange Database residing outside of the Exchange Server on an external device can have an impact. Is this how the Exchange Server is setup?
10] If we have unwanted shadows left over, then we need to clear them and attempt the backup again, so could you run the following command on the Client:
vssadmin delete shadows