When trying to migrate mailboxes from a Lotus Mail file to a PST you may receive the following error, "Unable to migrate message." Also the .PST file does get created but does not contain any Mail messages but may contain folders.
16:00:23 ERROR: [4951-24-84-80070005] Unable to migrate message:
16:00:23 Msg: (OFC1A0FBF0:97A146B1-ON85256F8E:00638453)
16:00:23 Folder: (~SENT)
16:00:23 Subject: (NOx Action Items)
16:00:23 Sender: ("User" <User@domain.com>)
16:00:23 Date: (Wed Jan 19 13:27:20 2005)
16:00:23 Original message: notes:///852564FE006B6A8C//C1A0FBF097A146B185256F8E00638453
16:00:23 CreateMessage:
16:00:23 [80070005] Access is denied.
16:00:23 Component: Personal Folders
16:00:23 Context: 30020404
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