When using QMM 8.7 the Mail Source Agent might log the following errors:.
3/22/2011 2:40:52 PM aeLdap:Log Error 87 The search filter is bad (LDAP_FILTER_ERROR). LDAP search failed. Base: 'DC=com', filter '(&(objectClass=User)(showInAddressBook=*)(|)(|))', level: LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE. (ldap_get_next_page_s).
3/22/2011 2:40:55 PM aeLdap:Log Error 87 The search filter is bad (LDAP_FILTER_ERROR). LDAP search failed. Base: 'DC=com', filter '(&(objectClass=User)(showInAddressBook=*)(|(legacyExchangeDN=/o=Fabri Kam, Inc./ou=ABC_DEF/cn=Recipients/cn=NorthAmerica/cn=ABC/cn=Users/cn=JDoe))(|))', level: LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE. (ldap_get_next_page_s).
What does this error mean and what needs to be done in order to eliminate the problem?