Dell Migration Manager for Active Directory 8.13
Update 20170808—Readme
August 8, 2017
This update may receive additional testing.
This cumulative update package contains hotfixes for Dell Migration Manager for Active Directory issues that have been fixed since the release of Dell Migration Manager for Active Directory 8.13.
For complete product information, please refer to the Dell Migration Manager for Active Directory product documentation.
This update addresses issues listed in the Resolved Issues section.
The following is a list of issues resolved by this update:
Defect ID | Issue Description |
MMAD-50 | File type or protocol associations with programs are reset to the Microsoft recommended defaults for source users on Windows 10 Version 1607 (Anniversary Update) or later if they are signed in during processing of local profiles. (For target users the file type or protocol associations with programs are not affected and are kept the same as they were for corresponding source users before processing of local profiles.) |
This cumulative update package also resolves the issues that were addressed in previous updates:
Defect ID | Issue Description |
133023653 | Source user may be unexpectedly still listed as having a local profile on a computer if processing task has been performed with the Clean up action and there was one or more subkeys under the source user’s key in the profile list (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList ). |
N/A | A user may not be able to access the Start menu and Windows apps (Modern UI apps) on Windows 10 neither under a target account after processing of local user profiles nor under a source account after a revert, if there was one or more subkeys under the source user’s key in the profile list (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList ) and the user has signed in with the source credentials after processing of local user profiles.
After you install this update, you must perform a processing task with the Clean up action (for local user profiles only) for all processed computers running Windows 10. This fully resolves the issue for all users that haven't signed in with the source credentials yet. However, for all users that have signed in with the source credentials at least once, the issue still exists and it is recommended to avoid reverting user profiles for such users. Otherwise, you may encounter the known issue described below. |
The following known issue exists at the time of the update release:
Defect ID | Issue Description |
N/A | A source user may not be able to access the Start menu and Windows apps (Modern UI apps) on Windows 10 after reverting local user profiles if there was one or more subkeys under the source user’s key in the profile list (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList ) and the user has signed in with the source credentials after processing of local user profiles but before Migration Manager for Active Directory Update 20161031 has been applied.No workaround is known at this time. You will need to re-create profiles for all affected users. |
Product Name | Product Version | Platform |
Migration Manager for Active Directory | 8.13 | All supported |
The following files are shipped:
The following files are updated:
File Name | File Version After Update | FIle Size After Update, in Bytes |
%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Aelita Shared\Migration Tools\Resource Updating\QsResourceUpdatingAgentTemplate.msi | | 1,187,840 |
%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Aelita Shared\Migration Tools\Resource Updating\Agent\QsResourceUpdatingAgent.exe | | 918,016 |
%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Aelita Shared\Migration Tools\Resource Updating\Agent\Vmover.exe | | 1,151,272 |
%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Aelita Shared\Migration Tools\Resource Updating\Agent\x64\Vmover.exe | | 1,611,552 |
Note: On computers running 64-bit Microsoft Windows, the files updated by this update are located in the hierarchy of the %ProgramFiles(x86)% folder.
To install the update, complete the following steps:
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