How to verify if the MessageStats service account is being used by the valid DCOM components?
This is permissions related.
1. Click on Start - Run - DCOMCNFG
2. Expand the Component services node
3. Open a new node called Computers - My Computer
4. Four folders would now be displayed - Expand the DCOM Config folder (This will display a large number of objects, these objects correspond to all open COM objects registered on that machine. Scroll down the list until the following objects are displayed Quest MessageStats Scheduler Service Quest MessageStats Task Processor
5. For each of these items, right click the item and select the Properties item from the popup menu. Click the Identity tab . Ensure the account entered here is the valid service account and re-enter the password. Ensure that this is done for the two DCOM objects.
6. Manually restart the MessageStats scheduler Service and open the console to attempt to connect to the exchange organization from the MessageStats console
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