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Clicking on MessageStats Reports from the console gives .NET and ASP error and does not open
Users are able to access MessageStats Reports (Web Reports) remotely or when browsing through Internet Information Services (IIS), but when clicking on MessageStats Reports from the MessageStats Console see the below:
Error Microsoft .Net Framework version 2.0 must be installed on the IIS server that hosts this application. Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 must also be enabled on the virtual directory that contains this application.
On Windows 2003 Servers, verify that the status of the ASP.NET web service extension has been set to Allowed in the Web Service Extensions folder of Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
If the host IIS server is a Windows 2000 Domain Controller with SP4 or later installed, please consult Microsoft Knowledge Base article 824308 for instructions on how to correctly configure ASP.NET on this platform.
If Microsoft .Net Framework version 2.0 has already been installed, please consult Appendix A of the Quick Start Guide for instructions on how to correct common ASP.NET configuration problems.
(Error details: ASP.Net is not properly configured on the IIS web virtual directory.)
Error Microsoft Active Server Pages have not been configured properly on the IIS server.
Microsoft Active Server Pages must be installed on the IIS server that hosts this application. Microsoft Active Server Pages must also be enabled on the virtual directory that contains this application.
On Windows 2003 Servers, verify that the status of the Active Server Pages web service extension has been set to Allowed, in the Web Services Extension folder of Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
(Error details: ASP (Active Server Pages) is not properly configured on the IIS web virtual directory.)
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