This command allows a user to schedule a recall job for a particular profile scope.
·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED.
·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time to run the job.
·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.
·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then run the job immediately. Ignores any scheduling options provided.
·JobRole (JobServerRole): Values allowed: Controller, Standalone
·Workers (ws): Servers that will act in the worker role of a controller-worker configuration.
·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.
·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.
·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.
·EndpointFilter (ef): Filter on which BLOBs to recall by endpoint (*=All Endpoints or EP1,EP2).
·SizeFilter (sf): Filter on which BLOBs to recall by size (>= or <=). Use 'Default' to clear this filter.
·JobScope: See parameter definitions in Timer Job Scope Parameter.
This example schedules a recall job to run immediately.
Set-BLOBRecallJob p MainProfile1 threads 20 EmailDefault RunNow
This example schedules a recall job and has filters applied.
Set-BLOBRecallJob p MainProfile1 threads 20 EmailDefault -ef EP1 -sf ">=50"
This command allows a user to schedule a migrate job for a specified profile. When run, the job will migrate BLOBs from the source endpoint to the target endpoint.
·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED.
·SourceEndpoint: The source endpoint's name/Id. REQUIRED.
·TargetEndpoint: The destination endpoint's name/Id. REQUIRED.
·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time to run the job.
·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.
·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), runs the job immediately.
·JobRole (JobServerRole): Values allowed: Controller, Standalone
·Workers (ws): Servers that will act in the worker role of a controller-worker configuration.
·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.
·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.
·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.
·FilterScopes: add the scope to migrate BLOB job. This is a site collection, content database or web application ID. Get-siteCollectionId or Get-ContentDBId can be used in conjunction.
·FilterScopesOp : Include or Exclude Option.
·JobScope: See parameter definitions in Timer Job Scope Parameter.
This example schedules a migration job to run immediately.
Set-BLOBMigrateJob p MainProfile1 -SourceEndpoint Endpoint1 TargetEndpoint Endpoint2 threads 20 EmailDefault RunNow
This example schedules a migration job to run at a specified time.
Set-BLOBMigrateJob p MainProfile1 -SourceEndpoint Endpoint1 TargetEndpoint Endpoint2 -startdate "08/20/2015 10:10" threads 20 EmailDefault
This example schedules a migration job to run at a specified time with filters enabled.
Set-BLOBMigrateJob p MainProfile1 -SourceEndpoint EP1 TargetEndpoint EP2 -startdate "09-09-2015 11:55" -FilterScopes "s:42154fb7-176d-4ff6-b16f-3cb3554a4118" -FilterScopesOp include
This command schedules an Aging job for a specified profile. Archive rules must exist on the profile for this job to run. Use Set-ArchiveRulesToProfile to create the rules.
·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED.
·ScheduleType (schedtype): The type of schedule to use when setting up this job. Valid values are OneTime, Daily, and Weekly. If not specified, the timer job will run immediately.
·DayOfWeek (dow): The day of the week to run the job when the schedule type is set to Weekly.
·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time. The time portion is used to set the start time for Daily and Weekly jobs.
·JobEndDate (enddate): The end date/time. Not used for OneTime jobs. The time portion is used to set the end time for Daily and Weekly jobs.
·JobServer (jobsrv): Server on which the process will be run.
·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.
·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then run the job immediately. Ignores any scheduling options provided.
·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.
·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.
·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.
The following example schedules the job on a recurring weekly schedule.
Set-ArchivingAgingJob -p MainProfile1 -schedtype Weekly -dow Saturday -startdate 12/26/2009 3:00 enddate 12/26/2009 6:00 -jobsrv SP2010WFE1 EmailDefault -email -threads 2
This command schedules an archiving metadata processing job for a specified profile. Archive rules must exist on the profile for this job to run. Use Set-ArchiveRulesToProfile to create the rules.
·Profile (p): The name or Id of the profile in which to run the job under. REQUIRED.
·JobStartDate (startdate): The start date/time.
·NumberOfThreads (threads): Number of threads to run the job with.
·RunNow: If specified (-RunNow), then run the job immediately. Ignores any scheduling options provided.
·EmailDefault: If specified (-EmailDefault), send status email to the default notification group setup in General Settings.
·NotificationEmailOther (email): Other email addresses (not in default notification group) to send status emails to.
·EmailOnErrorOnly: If specified (-EmailOnErrorOnly), then send status email only if an error occurs when running the job.
This example schedules an archiving metadata processing job to run immediately.
Set-ArchivingMetadataJob p MainProfile1 threads 20 EmailDefault RunNow
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