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Spotlight on Oracle 10.8 - Getting Started Guide

Welcome to Spotlight Install Spotlight Start Spotlight Spotlight on Oracle Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard Spotlight on Oracle RAC Spotlight on Unix Spotlight on Windows Spotlight on MySQL Troubleshooting: Connection Problems

Predictive Diagnostics

Collect and analyze performance metrics in order to predict the future behavior of the Oracle database.


To open Predictive Diagnostics

  1. Select the Spotlight on Oracle connection (or Spotlight on Oracle RAC connection) in the Spotlight Browser.
  2. Click Predictive Diagnostics.

    The page contains several sections —Configuration, Find Impending Problems, Performance Modeling, and What To Do Next — and a set of images that indicate a basic workflow through the predictive process.



  • Predictive Diagnostics uses a proprietary set of algorithms to process the data.
  • You do NOT need to have Spotlight running continuously in order to collect the data.
  • Use the Oracle User Wizard to create a new Spotlight user (or modify an existing user) that employs Predictive Diagnostics. See also Installation / Data. It takes about 10 days for Spotlight to collect enough data to make valid predictions on the future performance of the database.
Diagnostic Category Description
SQL Performance

Collect and analyze performance metrics for SQL statements as they are executed on the database instance.

When enough performance data is collected, Spotlight may be able to predict the future performance for individual SQL statements on that database. These predictions can be used to identify SQL statements whose performance may not scale adequately as data volumes and SQL execution rates increase. Spotlight will refer to these SQL statements as degrading SQL.

Impending Bottlenecks - Timed Statistics

Note: Available for Oracle 10.2 and later.

Collect and analyze waiting events as they occur on the database. When enough performance data is collected, Spotlight may be able to predict potential bottlenecks in the system as they affect database throughput and response time.

Performance Modeling

Note: Available for Oracle 10.2 and later.

Collect and analyze statistics on the performance of the database during periods of high activity. When enough performance data is collected, Spotlight may be able to:

  • Predict when database resources such as CPU, memory and disk I/O are expected to reach their full capacity.
  • Recommend strategies to enable the database to handle high loads at those times.


Spotlight on Oracle Tools: Explain Plan, SQL Optimizer, Space Manager

Tool Description
Tools | Explain Plan The Explain Plan allows you to determine the execution plan that Oracle applies to a particular SQL statement. Spotlight on Oracle allows you to view graphical representations of the execution plan for SQL statements being executed by a user, or for those identified by the SQL & Application Workload drilldown.
Tools | SQL Optimizer (SQL Tuning) SQL Optimizer (if installed) provides context-sensitive tuning advice for SQL statements based on the Oracle execution plan and the database structure. You must have DBA privileges for the database you are diagnosing.
Tools | Space Manager

Space Manager (if installed) provides a comprehensive solution for space management and reorganization. Space Manager offers preventive maintenance, problem detection and resolution, and capacity planning across any number of databases.


Spotlight on your favorite mobile device

You can monitor Oracle and Oracle RAC connections on your favorite mobile device using Spotlight Cloud.

Mobile Monitoring is able to raise the following alarms. These alarms are not configurable.

  • Buffer Busy Waits
  • CPU Usage
  • Free Buffer Waits
  • Latch Waits
  • Lock Waits
  • Log Buffer Space Waits
  • Parse Wait Time
  • Average Redo Log Write Time
  • Datafile Random Read Avg Time
  • Temporary IO Wait Time
  • Unarchived Log
  • Cannot create new connection
  • Not currently connected to database


  • To configure Spotlight on your mobile device, click View | Options | Spotlight for Mobile devices and web based analytics.
  • Mobile Monitoring is dependent on the Spotlight Diagnostic Server service.
  • Switch on/off monitoring of individual Oracle and Oracle RAC connections from the Spotlight Connection Manager (Oracle Connection Details, Oracle RAC Connection Details).


Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard

Use Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard to monitor an Oracle Data Guard environment.


  • Create the Oracle Data Guard environment as per the Oracle Data Guard documentation first.
  • Spotlight On Oracle Data Guard requires both the Primary and the Standby be Oracle 10.2 or above.
  • It is recommended where possible to monitor the Primary and Standby databases individually in Spotlight on Oracle.


Standby Connections Dialog Create / Modify / Delete connections to monitor the Oracle Data Guard environment.
Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard Home Page The Spotlight home page shows the flow of information and commands between various sub-components, primary to network to standby, and the size and status of resources such as processes, disk files and memory structures.
Spotlight on Oracle Data Guard Alarms

Spotlight alerts you to problems by issuing an alarm. You can configure Spotlight in the level of severity that constitutes an alarm, to disable an alarm, and the actions Spotlight takes on raising the alarm.


관련 문서
Spotlight on Oracle - 10.8
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
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