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NetVault Plug-in for Hyper-V 12.0 - Release Notes

Resolved issues

Corrected an issue in which the network adapter configuration was occasionally lost during recovery of a VM.

DNMHP-43 (15132, HYV‑22)

Corrected an issue that prevented the plug-in from supporting Hyper-V installations that have two or more VMs that share identical names.

DNMHP-97 (15186, HYV‑71)

Windows Server 2016 users: Corrected an issue that prevented Full Backups from completing accurately after upgrading to version 11.4 or later of the plug-in. Full Backups jobs that were created on Windows Server 2016 using version 11.2 or earlier completed successfully and contained data. However, after upgrading to version 11.4 or later, although the plug-in indicated that the existing jobs completed successfully, no data was backed up.


Known issues

If you are using the Hyper-V Role for Windows Server 2008 R2 with Simplified Chinese, French, German, or Korean, permission is not correctly granted during the VM recovery, which renders the VM unrecognizable by Hyper-V Manager. To grant permission to the restored files manually, run the following command on all restored files, including .vhd, .avhd, .xml, .bin, and .vsv, for the VM.

icacls <restore_file> /grant "NT VIRTUAL MACHINE/<VMID>":F /l

Replace "NT VIRTUAL MACHINE" with the language equivalent.

For example:

The VMID is the GUID of the VM. Usually, the GUID is the same as the name of the .xml file.

The "/l" is needed for symbolic-link files.

DNMHP-166 (21572)

The plug-in fails to mount an online virtual machine for backups if the VM name is too long. This length causes the “expose path,” formed by combining the paths to the plug-in Working Directory and the virtual drive files, to exceed 260 characters.

DNMHP-209 (22818)

If you are using the Hyper-V Role for Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, or 2016 with a localized version of the NetVault Backup Server or Client, or both, manually remove the VM before initiating image-level recovery. Otherwise, recovery fails even though files are correctly restored to the Working Directory (versions 10.5 and earlier of the plug-in) or specified location (version 11.1 and later).

DNMHP-226 (28005), FB 17369)

The plug-in does not list symbolic links or hard links during the file-level recovery process.


Names of VMs targeted for backup cannot contain Unicode characters. Backing up a VM that contains Unicode characters in its name generates an “Error writing to backup media” message.

DNMHP-277 (FB 17225, FB 18297)

If you use a localized version of the plug-in, the following items are not translated: Options included in the Actions list and on the Plugin Options dialog box, and Messages listed on the Job Status or View Logs page.

DNMHP-283, DNMHP-284, DNMHP-285 (FB 17344, FB 17346, FB 17351)

If you restore a VM whose source has the same disk ID as the host, the VM displays an error (0xc000000e) and fails to start.


FNVP-109 (FB 17393)

Running a backup job that targets a VM whose operating system (OS) resides on a passthrough disk does not fail properly. This configuration is not supported; the backup job should fail and indicate that no disks were backed up. Instead of failing the job, the plug-in erroneously backs up configuration, .xml, and recover_ctx.dat, files.

FNVP-111 (FB 17395)

If your environment uses Windows Server 2008 R2 as the Hyper-V Server and you use the Rename feature during a restore, the recovery does not include network adapters that the VM backup included. After recovery is completed, use Hyper-V Manager to add the network adapters for the VM.

FNVP-175 (FB 17804)

If your environment uses Windows Server 2008 R2 for Hyper-V Clustering, the number of parallel write streams that can be run is one. If you change the number, the plug-in prevents multiple backup streams from running simultaneously.

FNVP-177 (FB 17808)

If you perform a file-level restore, do not use the Rename option in the Actions list for the VM node. Although the option is enabled, the plug-in ignores the Rename field and the restore completes with warnings.

FNVP-190 (FB 17824)

If your environment includes Linux VMs and you perform a file-level recovery of a job that contains files with the same name but different capitalization, the job might complete with warnings. Because Windows is not case-sensitive, it does not recognize the distinction between the two files. All other selected files are recovered.

FNVP-195 (FB 17829)

The plug-in does not correctly index compressed or sparse New Technology File System (NTFS) files on Windows Server. Because of this issue, you cannot recover compressed or sparse NTFS files during file-level recovery.

DNVMWARE-1456 (29043) FB 17836

The plug-in does not correctly index sparse files on extended (EXT) Linux file systems. Because of this issue, the sparse files cannot be recovered during file-level recovery.

Workaround: To recover sparse files, perform an image-level recovery.

DNVMWARE-1365 (27629) FB 17841

The plug-in does not support recovery of backups taken using versions 1.7 or 10.0.1.

Workaround: To recover sparse files from backups taken using version 1.7, perform an image-level recovery.

FNVP-206 (FB 17843)

If your VM relies on a storage pool created from virtual drives, the backup job fails.

Workaround: Turn off the VM, and run the backup job again.

FNVP-211 (FB 17851)

Beginning with Windows Server 2012 R2, Hyper-V supports the sharing of a virtual hard-disk file, .vhdx, between multiple VMs. However, if you share the .vhdx file, the following Hyper-V tasks are not currently supported by the plug-in: resizing, migrating, and creating or backing up replicas.

DNMHP-260 (FB 18406)

If you restore a VM whose source uses more than one SCSI controller, the drives attached to the SCSI controllers might go offline.

Workaround: To bring the drives online, use the Disk Management utility for the VM.


If your environment uses Windows Server 2016, a backup job might fail because a NetVault Backup checkpoint exists for the VM.

Workaround: Use the following command to delete the NetVault Backup checkpoint.


System requirements

Before installing Plug‑in for Hyper‑V 12.0, ensure that your system meets the requirements outlined in the Quest NetVault Backup Compatibility Guide available at https://support.quest.com/technical-documents.

The plug-in requires installation of Windows PowerShell 3.0 or later. By default, Windows Server 2008 R2 includes PowerShell 2.0, which you must update to 3.0 or later. By default, Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, and 2016 already include 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0, respectively.

Upgrade and compatibility

Plug‑in for Hyper‑V 12.0 requires NetVault Backup 11.4.5 or later. For complete supported-platform information, see the Quest NetVault Backup Compatibility Guide.

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